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A member registered Mar 03, 2024

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Not sure how I missed this one in prior months, but me being a sucker for green hair had to check it out and ended up in an immediate four hour long play session which only ended when the game crashed (pretty sure that was just a long-term memory leak, though, since going back in to test the exact same sequence over again didn't result in any crash/performance issues).

The diversity of dialogue variables feels like the game's strongest suit, and the regular expansion of that will really help it stand out in the long term, imo - I'll be looking forward to more "everyday" variation just as much as new CGs and events.

Will also echo prior sentiments about NT and that the lack thereof has been pleasant, but I think having that as a branching option in a future chapter would be fine too - if anything, having the choice to deliberately lock yourself out of a route like that could make for an impactful moment and enhance the overall sense of player agency.

My biggest gripe would be the limited inventory, but rather than just having more on-hand slots it might be more interesting to have different containers to use/draw from. Having a cupboard/pantry in the kitchen to store cooking/dinner ingredients in and having the game draw from that when you cook rather than on-hand inventory would be a welcome addition. Maybe even set Rosette's kitchen dialogues to be impacted by pantry contents (or lack thereof) and suggest what she might want, or cajole you into making strawberry pie if she sees a lot of berries in storage.

Elsewise, thank you for sharing so generously with your game!

To get two stars on a date, you need to get a kiss. Pick all the choices that make her happiest, then give her a gift that she's been looking for (desired gift rotates on Sundays in addition to changing after each gifting, so be wary of that). I usually just go for all those things and it'll secure the kiss each time.

For home dates, you need to manage lust and mood. The best way to boost mood is with a preferred food or beverage. Unfortunately there's no good way to figure this out beforehand, but you can come to a date with all the options to fish out the one she prefers (and since shops buy back at the full sell value, you can always sell back anything you don't want to keep for later).

Do keep in mind there is a bit of a "tire" mechanic, so leaning too hard on food or drink or just straight watching movies will come at a point of diminishing returns.

"Talk" will let you feel out how she's feeling. Gazing into your eyes means she has additional boosts to mood and lust, and biting her lip with a blush means she's ready for you to dive right in, even if she's not undressed.

That all said, I don't recommend going for a kiss until she's at least taken off her top. Sometimes it's actually just easier to go right to the climax and skip kissing depending on how high her lust is when going into the date, so keep that in mind too (feel like that might change in a future version but with the current 0.42 it still holds true).

Lock picks require a specific button for interaction. Starting out, you can only really pick locks in dungeons, but if you get lockpicking levelled up enough then you can elect to get into trespassing under the burglary skill branch, and it goes from there.

Cute mitts are available at the grocery store in uptown - pretty much all the options for presents are there in the current build, apart from sex toys (which are now found in the appropriate shop in Downtown's Digital Square).

You'll need to encounter spider/scorpion enemies. They'll drop them, but not every time. Moving back and forth from the forest and forest trail locations should keep you open to as many enemy encounter opportunities as possible.

If I am not mistaken, this is the dinner you're invited to after saving her, correct?

You need to be just outside her house at around 6PM as indicated in the quest log. Can't go straight in without the key, so the event trigger itself is what you'll need to look for - you'll know it is ready if you see a drop down with the quest name coming down from the top of the screen.

If you're having trouble being around at the right time, you can try to take shorter power naps at home - significantly more time passes if you're trying to sleep off a massive energy deficit at once, so there's still some use in going to bed earlier if you want less time to pass.

And keep in mind there are some buttons around the top left of the screen for advancing time automatically, by 15 game minutes, or a game hour, and so forth. So if you end up showing up at 5PM or so you can just push up at 15 minute increments until the invite drops down.

Oh, I didn't even realise you could just slap in material in the crafting table like you could with the pan in the kitchen. Lockpick tip is actually pretty massive - thanks!

To exit the sewers, you'll need to locate an orange (red?) flag on the map. The sewers in particular won't let you come back out from the entrance, and can get quite convoluted and tricky with its layout. I recommend just exiting every time you exit because it's easy to get lost and struggle to find the way back if you try to explore the full map, and the sewers reset as soon as you leave, so you can dive straight back in if you want. Loot doesn't have a delayed respawn like the cave in the park does, and it's mostly more efficient to just do things that way.

I've only found a few basic single item recipes (single meat, single vegetable, single fruit, single fish, etc) through trial and error apart from the apple pie recipe you can learn through Arane's quests. Might not be ready yet but I'm sure the dev can clarify if I am wrong. Can't say I know of other crafting options outside of the three books you can find at home/college/in the forest either.

Professions will depend on the profession. There's only one tailoring recipe and I have no idea how to get sheep to produce wool right now (or if that's not quite implemented yet since I can't seem to find proper sheep feed either), but spiders in the sewer sometimes drop wool, so I've actually gained some tailoring exp that way. Mining is super easy, fishing just requires you to fish in the lake (and while you can buy a rod, I'd wait since I remember somehow getting a rod during Nekuro's later quests - it'll just save a bit of money in the long run), lockpicking requires you to actually pick locks in places like the sewers (and without any clear means of crafting lockpicks, you need to get them from chests, so it's very easy to end up in short supply - never sell lockpicks, you'll regret it later). Business administration only comes from buying/obtaining businesses, but there's only two I am aware you can buy at the moment and that only gets you to 70 total points, so I'm sure there's still more in the works there too (and if you want to try this but the amounts of money seem way too much, trying getting the shop owner to soulmate and inquire again - it's worth the effort, imo)

That's... probably too much all at once, but if you have a more particular question I might try to answer it still.

(1 edit)

I'd try saving, closing out the game completely, then re-opening the game. Then try to go to bed during the night (I go for close to midnight but that might not be necessary).

The end of the quest only triggers by event with the MC getting awoken from their sleep, and if you don't trigger it promptly enough it seems to muddle something in the background.

It should all be good so long as the quest prompt still shows you as being >2/2 girls after you reboot and open your save again (amusingly, it keeps count way past that and can read as 9/2 girls and so forth. Makes me wonder how long the game will keep count...)

Most of these I just purchase from the restaurant, which you can reach by going downtown, then -> food plaza or something like that. It's on the way to the hospital.

There are added items at the grocery store that seem to imply preparing pasta dishes is something you can do at home, but it's not something I've experimented with extensively just yet because, as mentioned in my prior comment, you can just sell back the food at the same price you purchased it at if you don't actually need it (for the current version of the game, at least).

Apple Pie can't be purchased anywhere, but Arane can teach the recipe through her events (and if you have it memorised, you can even make it on your own without doing of any of Arane's events too).

So, if anyone is still having trouble figuring out favoured foods during dates, let me share some knowledge I've gained from trial and error. (Caveat that this is for v0.3.2 and may be subject to change)

It is possible for a girl to have more than one favourite food. This is not something I considered initially since the first girl I worked on only liked Apple Pie and Beer - but it is entirely possible for a girl to like eating Apple Pie and Ice Cream together (but not always).

Groupings I have observed:

- Meat Lasagna/Spaghetti/Cannelloni/Ravioli

- Meat Lasagna/Pork Dumplings/Pork Ramen

- California/Tuna/Caviar Rolls/Shrimp Ramen/Fish and Salad

-Italian Toast/Veggie Pizza

-Apple Pie/Ice Cream

-Apple Pie

-Cinnamon Rolls

-Vegetable Rolls

I'm not able to confirm that ice cream by itself might also be possible, but I wouldn't rule it out. Still, if you want to reduce your inventory bloat I think you can just keep meat lasagna and a favourite fish dish of your choice in order to cover all options in the first three groupings (assuming they can never come up on their own - my total sample size is only around 30 or so).

And don't forget you can sell back food items at their full purchase price for the time being, so at least for now you can always sell back unneeded food items without repercussion. I imagine that might change once the dev gets proper hint dialogue in to help narrow it down otherwise, but until then utilising these groupings has worked out reasonably well for me.

Hadn't noticed that about the spoon/ladle, but I'll be sure to give it a shot. Thanks for expounding on some of the more obscure mechanics (not just now, also back further in the comment history too - all of those are helpful even if there's not a lot of replies back)

Do you have any future plans for allowing a reshuffle of the randomly generated girls? I find most of the fun in the game is fishing around for new variations by starting a new game and it'd be neat if there was some mechanic to let anyone who is simply an acquaintance or ??? get rerolled. Otherwise I guess it's also nice to have some motivation to restart so not too big a deal.

I also wanted to make sure you know of a visual glitch with the "tall girls" (they're the ones who have the all fours position during intimate scenes on a at-home date) - if the girl has purple eyes, one of them will flip to blue during thrusts, and if she has green eyes then both will flip to that same shade of blue.

I find it's also difficult to reliably make apple pie, even with three levels in the cooking skill. If there's supposed to be a flag to make it easier after Arane teaches the recipe (assuming you can still make it without being taught), then it might not be getting applied properly. This wouldn't be so bad if not for some of the randomly generated girls having apple pie as their favourite food - puts a bit of a damper on courting them (doubly so if beer is also their favourite drink, terrible combo).

But all that aside I want you to know that once you figure things out, the base game is pretty fun! I especially like what's available for the "entrepreneur" route so far - means courting shopkeepers is always my first priority if I start a new game (though it would also be nice if you could voluntarily work a shift at a location you own - not even to make money so much as still having a chance for the random job scenes). Looking forward to expanded customisation options in the future especially.