I have never gotten so lucky than I have playing this game lol. I got such good RNG (btw that luck ran out in double or nothing lol). Buckshot Roulette @everyone
Recent community posts
My friendly neighborhood is such a fun game. I love that instead of just murdering the puppets you actually have to tie them up or else they just get back up. Survivor difficulty was a nice touch for a first playthrough and overall a fun time. I did get lost a few times and there is a lot of back and forth. I'm excited for the full release!
I originally played the man in the window and loved it. I did feel short and a bit easy now looking back at it. Well, this game took to a whole new level. The difficulty was definitely ramped up. The normal mode is perfect because not only do you have to hide you also have to figure out what the people want to eat but also make it! So much going on and it felt like the perfect length. Great job! Overall a great game
This game was so much fun to play! It did get repetitive after 10 levels but each level felt different. I was also confused if getting a weapon counted as an item because I would get 1 burger and them boom level completed. Some levels were fast while others were long (for me). 9/10 would run away again! Monkey was fun addition too!