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A member registered 81 days ago · View creator page →

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glad you enjoyed playing our game :D

thank you! Making the art was a really fun challenge

Jaw dropping presentation...  Cannot believe you guys pulled of something like this is 2 days, these are blasphemous level sprites! Happy to see fellow brazilian devs making quality games

Hope he found what he was looking for ;-; the game is quite fun! good job

Really liked the fishing mechanic! game looks great too

seeing dr. Rap drowning has to be at least top 5 most traumatic moments of my life ;-; He died so young... 

Fits prerequisite PERFECTLY, with some more levels and mechanics could totally see this on steam! Great job guys

Amazing job on the art and the creative way to implement the water and hp mechanics! fit the prerequisite perfectly! 

great game! liked the sprite of the main character, poor dude looks exhausted ;--;

We had a similar idea for the HP being consumed when attacking for our project! Really liked your guys take on it. Specially loved the Art!!! 

Thanks! had lots of fun designing his different forms :DD

Thanks to all of you who played and gave feedback to our lil game! I really enjoyed creating the pixelart and animations

loved the art style! the team made an INCREDIBLE job!

loved the animations! really well done