Thank you! I'm happy to hear you liked the demo :D
I've had people make videos with translations of the game before, so I don't mind it. Feel free! I just ask that you don't reupload the game directly. (Basically, video format only)
Thank you for your kind words! The game is still in early development, so I don't have a good idea of when the full game will be finished unfortunately. But I'm hard at work on the next chapter, and I will be releasing an extended demo when it's complete.
(There will be a bit more info in a devlog I'm posting later today!)
Are you on PC or Mac? Once you download and extract the files, go to the extracted folder and open it. There should be something that is labeled invite me in, and the file type will be listed as an application. If you double click it, it should open the demo.
Let me know if that helps! Double check to make sure you downloaded the right file type for your computer. Thank you for your interest in my game! Hope it works >_<
I'm happy to hear you liked the demo!
And yes, please feel free to take creative liberties with the art! As long as you can tell it's inspired by the illustration in some way, you can come up with whatever you want. It doesn't have to be the same pose, and you can build off the ideas however you please. It's a very open-ended challenge!
I hope this answers your questions :)
Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm happy you're enjoying the game and writing so far. I always love hearing what people think of the story and Devyn.
Also, the heart information is in the first devlog I posted (which you can find here). This should give some details on what sort of ending you might receive without too many spoilers.
I'll be posting monthly progress devlogs on the game page, but I'll have more frequent updates (and extra art) on twitter and the discord server. So hopefully more news soon!
I don't have a set release date currently since the game is still in the early stages, but I plan for the full release to be sometime this year. I'll have a better idea of the exact date after working a bit more.
There is only Devyn in the story for now. I don't really plan on having another character for this game.