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A member registered Jun 18, 2023

Recent community posts

Very cool update with lots of content both in terms of story and action. The fights are challenging but not unsurmountable with a bit of practice. Art is always excellent. You manage to give us a couple of cliffhangers as well as some resolution to some storyline. 

Since the last few chapters were more on rails, do you plan to return to a sandbox style gameplay in the next chapter with several leads to follow?

Keep it up!


Very cool update - the NPC popping up here and there makes the world feel more inhabited. The loading screen is also a nice addition. 

A couple of questions:

Why the changes to the sprites? Is it because you change artist? Does putting new art time consuming?

Are you focusing on additional content (story wise and fill those placeholders) in future additions?


Good luck with your project! One piece of advice if you want to keep at it and hopefully realize your vision: know how you want to end the story. Once you determine the different ending(s), you'll be able to set milestones and orient your work accordingly. So many visual novels are never completed because the creators get lost in the process and don't know how finish. So start with end and work your way there.

Hope this helps!

For people that want to skip ahead (but I don't know of any good reason), you can choose to skip unseen text in the options and then press CTRL to zip through the dialogues.

Great update! The map is a wonderful addition.

Quick question: is there a way to become a mage (learn magic) in this version?


Congrats on your visual novel! It was really enjoyable and you can be proud that you completed your project. Hope that you can have more of these in the future and that the process of coming up with the story + images didn't discourage you from starting a new novel.

Very cool concept and 0.3 is very good. Good idea to pace yourself instead of falling short with great ambitions too soon. Looking forward to the new customers!

Wow, you did say that 0.1.6 would have more sandbox element and you really delivered. The map is amazing and having events timed based on the time of day is a great idea. Also, I've noticed all the small changes in the text if the character has grown (e.g. Mia in the gym). 

My only frustration is the "will be implemented in a future version" that's encountered here and there. 

Don't know if anyone ever told you but your descriptions and scenes are among the best out there.

On "quality of life" suggestion: could you use a small map for the school or the house with all the rooms and areas? It would reduce the number of times you have to click to navigate.

Keep it up and can't wait for 0.1.7!

Interesting concept with lots of options to explore in future iterations. Keep it up!

Keep it up!

It works!

Sorry,  but the problem is still there. If you do a third play through, you don't get to choose any option during the conversation at the bar.


Encountering the same bug when asking the questions at the bar. Cannot progress further even if I reset global data.  Thanks for fixing this since its impossible to progress beyond that point.

This update makes the game feel less on rails with several options with different characters (Mia's personality choice, Ava's growth, the trophies for different paths,  etc.) Your game will be more of a "sandbox" than a visual novel  which I prefer.

Cool update (1.5) that fleshes out a bit more of the universe. But the art (OMG) is really amazing with additional characters as a nice bonus! Dialogues are great as well. Looking forward for more!

Great update! Lots to discover in this version with events popping up when you least expect them. It encourages exploration!

Good work!

Not sure about the new artwork as well...

Thanks for fixing the crashes!

A lot of work was put in this project since V1! We almost have all the characters and a map that hints at more good things to come in future versions. We're almost at the point where the story can progress which only feeds my curiosity.

A couple of questions: the first chapters were pretty much on rails (gain trust and growth) and fleshing out the characters. Are you planning to have a more "sandboxy" type of game as more content is introduced? Also, it's enjoyable to have a bit of choice on which path to follow (who will grow first). Will you put more of that stuff?

Keep it up!

Nice update. Also, the text seems crisper.
Love the new art and the way the story develops.
Keep it up!

Cool update!

Looks promising! Keep it up!

Is it possible to encounter the teacher and the policewoman (in the city) in this version of the game?

Very cool update by the way. There are a lot of tweaks in this version that really improve the game and foreshadow a lot of interesting future developments.


Where the links to play / download?

Good update! The descriptions are really good and you laid out some interesting options for the future of the game. Couple of questions / comments:

Some of the art has a broken link or is missing. Are you planning to change the original artwork? (Beach scenes and the date)

Special option with the robbers: are we talking about a fourth option? Any hints on how to trigger it?


Ahh. Thanks for the details!

Can't wait for the next update.

For example,

You could take out the "start streaming" screen that appears after you chose the "streaming" option in the computer menu.

Make sure you have a "return" or "go home" option in all your screen (e.g. there's a go home option at the grocery store but not at the gym or potion store.

And for some odd reason, the game doesn't fit in my brower (Firefox), I have  to scroll up or down to see all the options available to me.

As I said, these are minor things. The game looks great and is very promising!

Great start! There's already options that we want to explore (the lab, the university, the other characters). Of course we all want more content, but there are small improvements that could be made to reduce the number of clicks and remove unnecessary screens that slow down gameplay. Unless you plan to add options!

Really enjoyed the game and the story line so far. Also, the Easter Eggs are a nice addition!

Very promising!
Keep it up!

(1 edit)

Great game.

Just missing a few animations to get all of them.... grrrrr