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A member registered Aug 27, 2019

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Mouthwatering. 10/10

I forgive Jack for anything he does

i was having so much fun, can't wait for the full game:)

Oh no:( no more Ren. I'm sad but i understand. Thank you for all the work you've done until now, i really love this game. I'll be waiting for chapter 8 <3

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Hi ;)  

In the second video call with Quest! after you tell him " More like why was my day, ha!" and then " I'll try my best " 

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This was such a fun and creative game, I loved all the characters. I couldn't stop smiling, their interactions were entertaining but heartwarming as well, i've had trouble with joining servers because i'm very shy so this made me feel happy. Thank you for this lovely game:)

AND when quest said good girl?! don't play with my heart like that omg

AHHHH i almost cried at the end, i love Cove and the story

This was seriously so beautiful, thank you so much creating the game!<3

it's okay, i'll wait for you Damon

That was amazing, i really like the vibe and the characters, especially August;). i'll wait patiently for the full game

i'm in love, the art was beautiful and the characters are amazing, i need more of this story, i can't explain how much i loved it

i just finished chapter 2, i can't wait for the next chapter!i loved everything about it, the story is just amazing and Ren stole my heart