I don't have the same problem with it making me nauseous but I do think it might play smoother if it followed the mouse instead of fixed angles.
Recent community posts
Hey, first of all I want to say great job on the game so far! This update definitely fixed a lot of the problems mechanically and visually but there were still some problems/things I noticed and felt like sharing.
-It seems like sometimes the audio indicator for a girl showing up at the glass doesn't always play.
-Buying an item from the shop should remove it from the pool so that you can get unacquired items to spawn, for instance I am on night 14 and haven't seen the Nile plushie once.
-Sometimes it seems like stuff breaks way too often, for instance I put the box back in the lab and watched it fall out right after I put it in.
-At times it can feel kind of stagnant when nothing is happening due to the fact that there isn't anything to do when you have downtime. Since you don't actually have to watch any of the girls or even look at 50% of the cameras only needing to look at the ones with breakable tasks.
-If you have to close both doors your sanity drains very quickly and if you combo that with something needing to be fixed it sort of feels like there isn't much you can do about it because of the cooldown on the stress relief toy.
-The cleaning robot shows up at one door but then teleports to the other when it decides to come in.
-The girls in the holding area will sometimes use the animation for being against the glass which looks really weird as they just float in the air next to the wall.
-Finally all of the animations look beautiful but there seems to be some framerate issues in the gallery videos at the start of the video loops. And they auto close after the the second half finishes which is a little annoying if you want to enjoy looking at something longer like the "results" of the Sammey video.
A few features I think might be interesting to add would be the option to spend tickets on other things such as upgrades(like reduced heat build-up from each click of the toy), dates/events with the girls, cosmetics/costumes for the girls.
-An affinity system with the girls where the more times they have fun with you the more it goes up unlocking alternate versions of scenes.
-The ability to customize your desk before the game instead of having to finish your current night to change stuff.
-A camera zoom function to get a better look at the girls.
-The ability to invite a girl in when she is at the glass instead of waiting.
-Adding a hints option to the gallery to help you get scenes you missed as well as the ability to see if there are any scenes you have missed.
-Adding the game over scenes to the gallery after getting one.
-When you get a game over from one of the girls I agree with Luric that the camera being zoomed out a little more might be nice. Making it it's own scene like the videos where you can continue for a scene where you finish and have control of the camera would be a fantastic change.
-Lastly I think there should be more interactivity between you and the girls by them doing stuff like actively trying and seduce you to open the doors for them, rewarding you with different game over scenes if you do. I feel this would allow the game to show more emphasis on how horny the girls are and their attempts to get in your room through every possible tactic they can think of and makes a bit more sense considering every girl first goes up to the glass anyways before breaking in, it's not like they just sneak into your room or walk in if you leave it open.
Once again I just wanted to say great job with everything so far and I hope to see this game continue to build from what it has and be successful!