Very nice and admirably low key Sokoban variation. Being able to move both the crate and the target, as it were, makes for some interesting puzzles. Thanx.
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Sokoban (and its many variants such as the Cove games) is the greatest puzzle game ever invented. (Sorry, Tetris.) Somewhat similar to Bricks (or Klocki), it has one simple rule, you can push crates but not pull them. Out of this thousands of great puzzles, from easy to impossible, have been constructed. Any player needs a familiarity with Sokoban to complete any of the Cove games. However, you're only doing yourself a big favor by learning Sokoban.
WWWW, it's the Wacky World Wide Web!
Lucky 13. Lucky because my axons were on their last legs. I was calculating at the end that if levels 14-15 get any harder, I'm toast. Liked this one as much as Cavemount. Felt more like a game, that is, more to do with figuring out puzzles than rules. Anyway, you rule. Thanx again.
WNNR, my favorite radio station.
Nearly Trove me crazy a couple of times, but another thrilling puzzle ride. Not sure how many more "rules" my poor brain can process. Guess we're lucky we only face one set at a time. And that is not a suggestion! Thanx, Hemp, encore. (Six hours since it dropped and I still can't get in ahead of the walkthrough?)Are we saving the jellyfish? Looks an awful lot like deep-sixing them.
There are no real bonus levels because the first player to solve them all slyly asks who else has? Unless it's really unsolvable, in which case it shouldn't be included.An odd theme (you likely didn't grow up on Long Island) but very good and challenging puzzles. Many thanx.
Grid & bear it. That was challenging, though I struggled with the last level more'n I should've. I confess here that I placed an "hourglass" atop three black squares to try to "permatize" the "Beaten" text. And was sorely disappointed when I thought I'd succeeded. Oh well. Another fab puzzle experience. Though I'm not sure how much longer my nerves will hold out. Thanx agin.
And I'm off and . . . crawling, again. Thanks, Steve. Game hasn't gotten any easier but my lost-progress fears have eased. One, perhaps, tip for Firefox: I unchecked my offline data box in the clear cache box (ctrl+shift+del) and that allows me (so far) to keep my game save. Not sure if this works in other browsers.
Agree wholeheartedly about download. The game is great, but too hard to be played (at least by me) in a browser. Too worried about cookies disappearing. I spent, back in January, about 2 weeks and solved about 20 puzzles. Very hard, but very good. Just the kind of puzzle game you'd like to take your sweet time over. In the old days one used to be able to back up one's game saves, offline. Is that at all possible? These days, dealing with the browser cookie cache is like a moon launch. Either way, great game Steve.