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A member registered Sep 01, 2021

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Pretty nice little game.  Would love to see more to it.

I knew it was only a matter of time.  GG.

I absolutely LOVE how fat and fluffy the characters can get.  Whoever the artist was did a fantastic job.

Not a bad start for the gamejam.  Character is cute and the gameplay flows fluidly.  I wish there was more to it but I get it's an early build for a gamejam.  That said, I hope you continue to develop this further.

First half: "Alright.   A bit gory, but it's cute and I see the appeal."

Second half: "oh... OH, it's... it's one of THOSE games!"

I feel this would be better on mobile rather than on my PC.  Despite that, I still had fun with this one.

It is so simple and yet I might have enjoyed this a bit too much.

After playing both Meg and Sophia, I find Meg to be more challenging (this gets faster as it goes on longer) whereas Sophia was a bit easier (but sometimes you just wanna watch a girl glut herself). 
I can safely say though both are good. :)

Pretty cute game.  
Characters gain quick enough to keep it interesting.  And I love the little indie game references you snuck in.

Fun little platformer.  Can't wait to see it go further.  And the character is adorable too; expanded or not.

Loved watching my character grow from a twig man getting his butt handed to him to a giant that had people literally running in fear from him.  I will watch this game's development with great interest!

I legit had a nightmare like this once so the creepiness really hit home for me here.  Pretty good horror game.

Getting some "Heroes of Hammerwatch" vibes from this.  But I like how it makes you think "should I put this here or there?"
character is cute too.

Objectively, this is a better fursona/reference maker than some of the other ones released on this site.  Bravo.

Nice different take on the "Box-Pushing" genre.  Character is super adorable too.

All the bee units are super cute.  Hope you continue building upon this.

Really had a nostalgia trip with this one back to when games like "Witch's House" and "Mad Father" were big names in the RPG Maker horror scene.  This would not feel out of place next to those.