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A member registered Nov 25, 2023

Recent community posts

If you say that "You could just scroll down and look in the comment section". This community is one of the most active communities I've ever seen. So much that comments could easily be buried within a day or less.

Your acting like the general people have discord or are in the discord server. It's perfectly normal for people to ask about something they don't fucking know. 

It's not the same people asking about the status of the update but different individuals that just want a general idea of what it is, and it's stupid to get angry at that. 

Honestly just want to ask a question, Hatchet. What are the chances the update going to be on this month or will it be on the next month? How big is the update? New Character or New Quests?

People that became insane after the update got delayed for 2 months now

That's really weird, at this point I can only recommend that you try playing the game on another device if it still continues. 

I hope something works out for you and the issue gets fixed

Did you install over older versions from newer versions? You probably caused both versions to mix data.

Try deleting files of the old and new versions then install your preferred version afterwards. 

I don't think that would happen though. It's the least Hatchet could do for the people that support him with their wallets.

If the only perk of being a Patreon is getting early access, and the game were to be released immediately for everyone. 

A lot of Patreons may feel disappointed. A small to large portion may withdraw their support to the game. Potentially affecting the future development of the game. (Less content or More time required for updates)

Guys here are already going insane tbh, there was one supposed "Patreon" that got mad and withdrew their support because the game took too long to update (It was pretty funny, obviously -8$ won't do anything ).  So it wouldn't be unnatural/unlikely for it to happen specially when people are influenced by strong emotions. 

The update is most likely going to be on the end of June, since Hatchet Games already said that June will be the release date. 

Other than that this is honestly all the info you could get: 

I bet 5 bucks dude's gonna come back after the update and switch sides

Btw I can't progress through the game if the cards I have are unplayable due to having no troops or having max upgrade limit. Could you possibly add a skip button to go to the battle stage?

(1 edit)

I also get this glitch

Happens at every wave but gets worse the higher the stage. More units on the field = More delay and lag. Practically if you were to speed the game up at 2X then units would shake and delay the start. If the game was set to 3X then the delay either gets super long or doesn't start at all. This only happens before the battle starts.

I'm an Android player

Wow, a quick update?
You're actually a pretty amazing developer. 
Considering your reply, you probably didn't change the enemy having "too many 2-point cards". I guess It would make sense since the game might become easier than what you intended it to be.

Thanks for the update! I'll try playing the new update rn

(3 edits)

Honest I got hooked on the game, I played for an hour. I really love the art and the gameplay since it seems refreshing. However, I cannot recommend this game to anyone else considering its problems.
Edit: It really needs balancing badly!

Problems in the game: 

1. RNG
Enemy difficulty is always "RANDOM".  The first enemy that you face can have "special" cards that can destroy you in the first round. It can either be very easy, with or without strategy, or be very hard even with strategies.  The difficulty is not progressional.

2. Progression and Enemies
The amount of cards and items that will boost your power as you go through the game is a bit too low. You can either rely on RNG to progress 15+ steps in the game or just die from your opponents overpowering you with their almost unlimited amount of OP cards. 

3. Enemies do not Follow Player Rules

For Context

2-Point cards require you to consume 2 cards for you to be able to summon them. It is very high in stats, that's why it has high requirements. 

If I can't magically summon 2-point cards then why can the enemy just use them without restriction? It's absolutely annoying and takes the fun out of the game. It's practically the reason why I keep dying in the first place. It's like a pro (me) fighting a newbie hacker (bot) for example. No matter how skilled you are at the game, you'll never win against a cheater. 

It is plain stupid. Not to mention the fact that after killing a 2-point card, the enemy then summons another two 2-point cards.

It defeats a purpose in the game. Making 2-point cards are absolute shit

A. Limited Cards

Cards are limited, you'll have better uses for the 2 cards you are going to consume. Even just losing 2 cards is detrimental to your progress since they won't be going to your deck anymore. To add, yes your deck runs out very fast. 

No more cards? Well your dead

The opponent enters the chat with unlimited cards:

B. Exposes defenses

Just by summoning a 2-point card, you'll have 1-2 open slots for an enemy card to damage you. 

Open slots are viable to dmg you. Even if you end the turn and draw one more card. How can you kill a 2-point card using a 0-point card?

It's impossible

This ain't even a strategy because the opponent out-damages you and out-healths you! AND they'll just stack 2-point cards to face your 2-point card until it dies and they keep summoning more.


Edit: Honestly. Would play more if only it was balanced and revamped! I played it for more than 3 hours now.