Thank you so much!! I don't expect to win the jam but I had fun learning new things!
Starbit Light
A member registered Nov 27, 2016 · View creator page →
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Hi, sorry for the late answer.
I wasn't really clear for the custom level. You have to go to the SteamingAssets folder located in the Data folder of the game. You will find the Custom Level in there, it is pixel color based. In short, each color correspond to a block in particular (blocks are all listed in a text file). When you press the Custom Level button in the game's main menu, the game will convert each pixel of the custom level image to the corresponding blocks, here your level is.
It is quite complex and not really user friendly, I first wanted to make an Super Mario Maker-like editor, but as I had to create this game in under 48 hours, it wasn't possible to create that in time