Thank you so much!! This means a lot. :'D A Date with Death was actually part of my inspiration for remaking this game to what it is now! Again, thank you for the compliments and taking the time to review.
Stardrop Studios
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Thank you so much for the kind words!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. If yandere vibes are more your thing, I'm actually working on another game where the main love interest fits that personality type much more than Cyrus. No projected release date yet!
Yeah, completely get that critique! I agree with you, and if I were making a 'full length game', I absolutely would take time to flesh out the relationship between Cyrus and the player more. However, I never intended for this to be a long game, so I'm happy with how it is currently. <3
Hi! Thank you so much! Super happy you enjoyed the game.
I understand the concern with AI generated BGs, but I am a one person studio with zero budget for the game. I cannot draw BGs myself, and it would have costed me a lot of money to commission an artist for the amount I needed. The game is free. Thank you for the concern!
I appreciate your feedback! As an artist myself, I understand the issue with AI art completely. The demo used real life photos altered with filters. I can't draw BGs to save my life and the game never would have gotten done otherwise. In the future, I'd be happy to commission an artist to make BGs for me, but it simply wasn't in my budget for this, being a free game made solely by myself. Thank you for playing!
A short visual novel featured around a very cute and spooky love interest!
"You come to find yourself taking shelter in a seemingly abandoned mansion for the night after your car had broken down.
As you explore the various rooms of the manor, you begin to realize that it isn't quite as abandoned as it initially seemed.
Perhaps you should have listened to the local ghost stories about Briarwood Manor..."
This is actually a remake/revamp of an old project I did, so if it sounds familiar, that's why!
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it so much that you enjoyed the game.
I have no plans for a sequel, but I am in the process of a revamp. It's triple the length of the original game and spans multiple days, rather than just a night. I'm very pleased with how profess is going so far. So if you liked this one, you'll love the revamp. <3
Hello! I'm happy to announce the release of my very first indie game, Spectral Phantasy!
It's a visual novel dating sim featuring a cute ghost boy named Cyrus as the love interest.
You come to find yourself taking shelter in a seemingly abandoned mansion for the night after your car had broken down.
As you explore the various rooms of the manor, you begin to realize that it isn't quite as abandoned as it initially seemed.
Perhaps you should have listened to the local ghost stories about Briarwood Manor...
Spectral Phantasy is free to download on here: