Recent community posts
1. No, since most of them are just normal armour with bloodlust added to them (and yes bloodlust is useless). But if you want drip then you can buy them.
2. Max out reload on your bow 1 (Greek skin)
3. Gatehouse has a lot of reach but low damage. With bow 3 it’s good since you can combo shoot>poke since bow 3 brings down enemy health a lot. But on bow 1 I wouldn’t recommend it unless you land all three shots consistently. The brown meta one has a good balance of reach and attack, the godendag has a lot of attack but low reach.
4. Meh, up to you. If you want to see cool Easter eggs then sure. If not then don’t buy.
5. Stun is worth it. But don’t use it on single-shot bows like 2, 3, 4, 6. On bow 1 and bow 5 it’s good.
This guide is not from me, it is from Razgriz
- Open Narrow One
- Change the date to one of the dates listed in the pinned message in your settings app while Narrow One is still open
- Refresh Narrow One. If you are automatically logged out, log back in.
- Check the shop. if the items dont appear, reload again and check that you have set the correct date.
- 11/5/24: Narrow One birthday hat and torso
- 30/10/23: Halloween pumpkin head and skeleton skin
- 23/11/23: Thanksgiving turkey hat
- 24/12/23: Christmas snowman head, tree hat, santa stocking cap, pants, boots, nutcracker head, candy cane arrow and bow 2 handle + tip
- 1/1/24: New Year hats
- 22/1/24: Chinese New Year hats
- 14/2/24: Valentine's Day torso
- 17/3/24: Saint Patrick's Day hat
- 1/4/24: April Fools’ Day fake fearless helmet
- 9/4/24: Easter rabbit head, bow 2 handle + tip and carrot arrow
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Lol so basically there were 2 flag rushers so I used them and killed them after they got flags to get 10 points for normal kill, 30 points for flag carrier kill and 10 points for flag return so 50 points per kill

Shoutout to guest 817 who NEVER quit and NEVER stopped speedrunning
But he suddenly gained sentience here
Streamable RPReplay_Final1702905735
Here’s the strat
Tell him: You’re actually braindead since you blame people for “hacking” when your PC runs on 3.5 potatoes . And just because you dont have any other arguments other than “this guy is a nerd and still fails to make a point lmfao” you’re not one to talk since you mald every game saying “OMG THIS GUY IS A TRYHARD GET OFF THE GAME!!” and “OMG THIS GUY IS LAG HACKING AND LOADSPEED HACKING!!!” when you clearly dont even know what you’re talking about 💀 your argument in the pelican party server was so stupid it made my braincells hurt. “THIS GUY IS LAG HACKING!!!!” When your pc runs at 40 fps and 260+ ping 💀. Also, people like razgriz have 4000+ elo and I dont see him complaining about hackers, but since YOU’RE clearly special and have SUCH a high elo, you’re getting ALL the hackers. Someone is special fr 🤧🤧
-some guy who doesn’t have itch and wants to reply to ur comment