Absolutely beautiful! This VN have by far the most outstanding art I have ever seen in a VN. I love werewolf so this VN is quickly becoming my a favorite even if the story has barely begun. I look forward for the story to unveil and more lore as well!
Starfyre Dragon
Recent community posts
I'm sorry but i can't trigger the quest 'The Cure for Madness' despite spending a while now. The Guide said to head to Log and Amber place to trigger it but nothing happen yet even after multiple in-game days. I have already save Vurro and complete the 'Courier training…?' quest. If this information is helpful then i met Wuldon first before facing Vurro and saving him.
Have anyone found the gallery yet? I thought there isn't one so It supprise me when it suddenly pop out from nowhere. Of course i get curious why and retrace what i did for it to come out...
Well, i won't spoil you guys the supprise. I will just drop a few hints for you.
1. Pay attention at the end of Flynn's route.
2. You pretty much look at it all the time when you open the game.
3. Or just randomly stumble into it like me.
Good luck to all who haven't found it yet!
Even though all the bad ends upset me and make me feels bad i still have fun playing this VN. :)
I just played Flynn's route and the ending confused me so much. What the heck happened to Flynn? How did he become that... thing? I feels terrible and horrified at his ending. Sure he's a jerk but i don't think anyone deserve that fate and it only confused me further if it was just some hallucination...? Some kind of space and time loop that send "him" perhaps back to where TJ saw "him" and then that closet and worse is that possesion/madness thing at the end... I think i need a little time before i play the game again...