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Starhound Studios

A member registered Aug 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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hi, go to %AppData%\starhoundstudios\lust&hunger and delete the shader_cache folder, see if that fixes your problem.

Hello, that happens very rarely with some drivers. Go to %AppData%\starhoundstudios\lust&hunger and delete the shadercache folder. That should solve your problem.

nope, the .pck + .exe just makes the antivirus complain less, if you have one of those paranoid antivirus.

I play the version to test it, you can get all scenes from the prostitution route, Old witch scenes, stripper scenes, Deckard scenes, drunken scenes... etc

Dark-skin, in the random clients part? That's one of the other prostitutes. it could be a new update, it depends when was the last time you played.

very possible, I`ll have another coder do the port once the prostitution route is over.

Nope, there isn't. Follow the side project for that type of content

There will be plenty of gangbangs. The next Deckard scene (hospital route) is a gangbang :)

Hello, to start the prostitution route you have to raise her lust level to at least lvl 1. You can do that by masturbating a few times. There isn't an ending yet but there's plenty of scenes there.

Hi, yep, I totally agree on the perfectly submissive sexdoll thing. Hentais tend to do that too much and forget it's also fun having a more dominant scenario. I'll certainly implement plenty of scenes where she'll actively be doing the hunting. Ex: 1) reverse chikan, she's the abuser on the train. 2) Having a ghoul/sex slave at home (in the living room), people on Discord called it "dick on demand". 3) Unconscious sex with some dates where Vesper bites her unsuspecting victims to take advantage of them while they're sleeping, 4) tricking your dates into falling in love with you and then selling them as slaves. 

There's a bunch of weird stuff planned for this game, hehehe. Tks for taking the time to comment. 

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Hello, that's weird. 

You could try changing payment methods on patreon or subscribing to our subscribestar: , the game, polls, and illustrations are there as well. 

Yep, a dirty everything included version (patreon/subscribestar version), and a cleaner one for steam/GOG/etc.

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I'll release a steam version for sure, but this game gets pretty heavy on some topics, so I'll probably have to cut or censor some content. 

Not weird at all, of course, we'll get to see Vesper with a big belly and giving birth, promise you :D. Follow us for the updates.

Hello, you`re probably exceeding the 31-day limit for this version. If you`re enjoying the game you can get the rest on patreon or subscribestars.

Hi, you'll be able to remove it in the future once you see the true ending.

Hi, there's a link to download it in the first post on Patreon, it's the only pinned comment :)

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tomorrow, I'll probably replace the lawyer (part - 1) 78 grayscale pictures with color

Not yet, sorry.

I love it too, it'll be in the game 100%, a LOT of pregnancy :)

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I didn't delete those 3 comments you mentioned. They don't exist because whoever left those comments deleted them. I have no idea. I purged the topic 'cause there were no comments when I logged in today and you were talking  to yourself. 

I answered your question about how much of the game is completed within minutes. And now  you call me a bitch? Cool, very mature. Thanks for taking the time to insult me, I guess? 0____o

When you get hungry (100%) your insanity bar starts to rise after each day that passes. If you insanity reaches 100% you'll get different game over scenes in the future. Ex: She goes outside on a rampage and kills the first person she finds. But, for now it's just a simple game over screen saying you have to start over. No extra scenes.

Hi, it'll be easier to balance hunger and other status once we implement the next levels of hunting and some other mechanics. Tks for your feedback :)

Hello, you can still play a lot of the game for free, and I'll keep updating it every week :). If you can't or don't want to support us with money, we're already very grateful you're spending your time following us and playing the game. 

Hello, full version is on patreon/subscribestar.

I'd say around 10%. There's a lot of things to add, like slavery, pregnancy, multiple endings etc.

Hello, the full version is on Patreon.

Yep, you can load your game when we launch the new updates :)

There's some content already, but vampire hunters are coming soon. Follow us for the updates :)

Yep, the more chaotic endings.

pregnancy content is confirmed and has been already written :)

Just click outside the options (anywhere on the screen) and choose "Go Home". Her scenes are still being implemented, there are two right now. You can see them if you buy the skimpy dress. Work as a journalist or a bartender to make some money. And don't forget to ask Dahlia for a discount.

Hello, sorry for your trouble. I'll make a Linux version in the near future.

Hi, to become Lily's pet you need to have your Lust level equal to or higher than "Naughty". You can check your current lust level in the "Status" tab of Vesper's schedule.

Hello :), yeah, I could, but the algorithm favors small updates and patrons like to see we're constantly working on improving the game.

I hope you enjoy the game if you decide to play it, thanks for your comment.

don't worry, after the prologue you get to feel other things besides emotional... hehe.

I think you have, Lol, it will be on steam, that's our main goal. 

Hello, it's not implemented yet, I'll post a devlog when it is :)

Hello, tks for the input and playing our game. The game is still going through a lot of balancing, I'm always glad to read player's reviews. 

For now I`d say work as journalist/bartender and always have at least $150 to buy a hunger potion from the old shop. Don`t stress too much about your insanity unless it`s near the 80%. Also, train your speed and hunt small animals in the park, that should help with the hunger problem. 

I'll tweak with the numbers some more, I haven't had the time to play the game extensively, but expect improvements in the near future. Sorry if we gave you any frustration, take care :)