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Mafumafu lover

A member registered Jun 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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im not even a fan of gojo, but this short vn made me LOVE him, everything is really nice, i love how you write, i was just eating this up. the only thing that made me uncomfortable was the female protagonist, im a trans guy, and i really get into these rolse, so being refered as she/her made me a little upset, though i know this is my problem, i just wanted to say it since i think everyone should be able to enjoy this work of art. tysm for your lovely work!! <3


God, I really want to play this, it looks so good, BUT I CANT PLAY SOMETHING WHERE THE MC IS A FEMALE :( , Im a trans man...

Thnk you :D !!

I LOVED IT. The animations, background, MUSIC, characters, History, EVERYTHING WAS JUST SO GOOD, as a trans man myself i really loved how well written this was, and the representation is perfect, the alternative ending got me with my jaw dropped to the floor and processing everything for like straight 10 minutes, the true ending got me almost crying by how cute it was, and i already knew that that girl was up to no good, i loved the game overall....i just wished there was more, as always, another good addictive game. I'm actually looking forward to checking the new browser game Your call, but haven't really had time, BUT I'LL PLAY IT SOME DAY! Thank you so much, Hatoge, hope you have a good day! :3

Im sorry, but, may i ask where do you buy the artbook? im kinda lost

i didn't thought you were going to read my comment, i am so happy rn, and,  i will give you donations whenever i have a little extra, because i don't really know how much money doing this gives you, i definitely think that your work is worth more, and more attention, and even if i can't help with money, i will try and tell people i know about your amazing (like you)  games :D :D

Hiii, i am literally obsessesd w/ this game :3, even tho i had some problems with the saving and tsome more stuff, i fixed it later, the history, the characters and everything is so good, i really see the hard work behind every game you do. Aaanyways, i just wanted to thank you 4 this amazing game, i loved it so much, that i went to earn money to buy the extended version, and give a little more to try and support you more (i ran out of money :( ), I really love your works and the dedication you give these games, im pretty sure that youre an amazing person, thank you so, sooo much Hatoge <3