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A member registered Sep 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much. I am very glad that you were able to experience the game again with the music composed for it.
Your kind words give me impetus to make something new, perhaps in Bitsy, perhaps not. I hope you get to see more of my creative endeavours also, more than that, I hope they do not disappoint. 

Time moves like the tide,
I did not see this in time
to respond. Sorry.


Thank you for your feedback. Based on that, and the feeling that that poem initially sparked in me, I believe I have achieved my goal.

¡Muchas gracias! Me sorprendió cuando vi que una obra de este pequeño proyecto fue producida en español. ¡Robert Chambers en la lengua de Cervantes es realmente un placer de contemplar!

Thank you very much. R. W. Chamber's is also one of my favourite authors, more for his finger and less for the moon.
He pointed the way to some fantastical ideas. 
I may return to Bitsy, I may not. We shall see. :)

Thank you.

The King in Yellow accepts your compliment. 


THank you very much. I hope that the shores are damp and the moon a gibbous uncanny yellow.

Thank you for your beautiful and well thought out review. This highly underappreciated underground artist very much appreciated it. 

It makes the heart leap to see so many words and thoughts dancing around one of my creations, particularly in so many positive ways. I would like it to be known, however that this is not a game, by definition a game has rules and an end goal, with the potential for failure. I don’t see that in what I have created. Perhaps an experiment, an experience, a dream or a digital poem? All of the above or none? Unless the player refuses to play, unless they player closes the window there is no potential for failure. Even then they can suffer my music if they so wish.


(1 edit) 

Haven't been really putting much on bandcamp, but I have a live ambient and spoken word track, the soundtrack to an experimental film, a H.P. Lovecraft audio book with original soundtrack and the soundtrack to a game that I released on here (Carcossa). Over the years I have produced quite a bit of soundtrack work, for indie feature films and theatrical productions, some of which can be found here - 

I do a lot of work with samples and finding ways to use non electronic instruments in strange and non traditional ways. This is probably the best example : 

Thank you. The music is now available on my bandcamp and on here. 

Thank you very much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

You're breath-taking

thank you! It took a while, not gonna lie there. 

I'm really glad you enjoyed the music as well. 

thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. 

I've not read the Bierce story, but will track it down, thanks for informing me of it. 

Hi guys, i've noticed that with some games (particularly ones made with the Bitsy game engine) that on mobile platforms that sound just doesn't play, does anyone know if there is a fix or if this is just an unsolveable issue? 


Thanks so much! I am thinking of putting more soundtracky things on here and will definitely include it as part of that. Glad you liked the game and music.

Thank ye, thank ye!


Explore dim, lost Carcosa in my first attempt at using bitsy.