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A member registered Jan 08, 2021

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(3 edits)

Is there a way to save Gunner from dying?

I'm so glad I got to experience the emotions that came from this VN, truly one of my most favourite VNs.

 I have just one question though. Can you actually get the password to open the vault or is that not a thing? And also: 

(sorry if this is a spoiler)

does the Ophiucus medal even exist? If so can someone please tell me if they have found it and how. Because from what I've experienced it looks like there isn't one.

Ah ok, bummer. Thanks.

If anyone can help with that I would appreciate it

(1 edit)

Very nice VN RPG. Love the story and character developments, and a good amount of lewd for that naughty player. There is just one problem I have seem to run into, and that is regarding a decision you make with the nameless the second time he comes around. I misclicked a one of the options and wanted to load back up a save, but it seems it was programmed to remember my previous answer. I do hope there is a way I can change that, and I do hope it does not have dire consequences and screw up my playthrough because I really don't want to play through the game again to change one misclick that messed up my playthrough.

That is actually pretty neat and mysterious. Maybe in the revisited version there might by more to Nanafuse which could be absolutely amazing. So far in my time playing I have encountered him 4 time, each time confusing me a lot. Lol

That is actually pretty neat and mysterious. Maybe in the revisited version there might by more to Nanafuse which could be absolutely amazing. So far in my time playing I have encountered him 4 time, each time confusing me a lot. Lol

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Oh I absolutely love this game. I like each and every character so far and can't decide with who to go with. This game is so good!!

This may be a spoiler so please don't read it if you don't want to get spoiled:

But there is just one thing that is confusing me, who the hell is Nanafuse!!? He just appears randomly out of nowhere claiming he was with us in on scene with Shun, Tora and Kounosuke. Am I supposed to know who he is or what? Honestly he is kinda scary appearing out of nowhere and everyone don't find it stange? Is he a ghost? A friend that died a long time ago. I am so confused. Lol

It takes place while the MC is still on Adastra. It is about what happened when Amacus  and MC went to visit the cities of the planet.

Hi. I just want to know, is there a bug that I can't proceed in the beach cave or amIi missing something. There is this green guy blocking the way and I can't get him to move.

It is said somewhere when you talk to him.

I never even thought of it, but after you mentioned the clue I knew exactly what to do. Can't believe I was so obvious to it lol.

Aaah. Ok so I need that to save him.

Love the game, just started playing a few days ago. 

There is just one thing that is bothering me. 


Is there a good ending for Dean or is his route intended to be a bad ending? If not can someone give me a tip on how to get the good ending?

I would say Adrasta, but there are still sad moments in it but not as intensely as Echo

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Damn EchoProjects!!! You sure know how to pull my hartstings. Echo is by far the best/worst experience in VNs i ever had. The fact that it captures your attention and make you feel every emotion is just unbelievable. Just well done guys!!


I don't know why, but for some reason I balled like a baby when my suspicion of the the old albino guy from Jenna's route was actually Samuel from TSR. It absolutely broke my heart. I was like "No f'ing way you let him die like that." I love his character so much, and the fact that the game states he lost everyone make me very afraid of whats to come in the later updates of TSR. Knowing how Echo was it will most probably be very heartbreaking. Here hoping I won't die from sadness lol.

PS forgive any spelling and grammar errors.

Holly fuck... Just WOW!!! 10/10. This VN is just an absolutely brilliant. The emotions this VN gave me almost destroyed my, but in a good way. I'm personally not a fan of the ending, but don't get me wrong it was amazing. 

Here's hoping that there will be another VN with MC and Amicus, because really it can not be left like that. 


OMG YESS!! Thank you guys for this. The experience so far was so amazing. Could not stop crying at all the tender and sad moments and laughing at the funny moments (And the spicy moments, O lala). You guys made it really hard for mr in the future to chose another route than Diego's ,that's how good you guys did. I really needed this in my life. Great job guys, looking forward to the future work.

PS. Wish I could support your guys' project, but I'm flat broke.

This game in my experience was really pleasing. I enjoyed tones out of it. . I really enjoy the characters and their personalities.  Can't what to see what is in store in the future.


But to be honest it was a real big surprise that right of the bat with Garreth's first hangout that things would get so intimate, which made me think (maybe you guys are already planning to do so and I am terrible at following progress) maybe there will be more options for Yarin regarding his past, like options to go back to the shitty guy he was before like Brym tells us, or be a different person. Better person, because Yarin is to me just to okay with the fact Gerreth just out right said give me a BJ. I know you have the option to reject, but even then Yarin is still just okay with it, I would have thought seeing he lost his memories that he would react differently seeing that he can't recall how he was before. Just food for thought no ill intent I still really enjoy the interaction 

Other than that I still know that the game is still under developement and I can't wait for the rest. Just wish I could support you guys, but I am flat broke.

PS. It still would be cool to se a system where you can choose to be more like your past self or be someone totally different.

Much love and good luck with the project.

PPS. Forgive if my grammar and spelling sucks, I am a terrible writter.