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Steel the Wizard

A member registered Sep 05, 2022

Recent community posts

Will we ever get a scene with Zembot

I kept having lag spikes in the Elfobot village so I changed my graphics settings. now my game launches but I can't see it. I've tried restarting my pc but I still can't see it. The icon is on my taskbar and I can hear the title music but I still can't see it.

Anyone know where the third pic is for the one man's trash quest in Mean? I have Zembot and the Super computer.

I would give anything to get a scene with the Rockclaw Shopkeep

Big lady good

Thanks :)

I'm having a bit of trouble with the one man's trash quest. I have Valentina, Daisy, and Takahiki but I can't seem to find the last one

Bless you. A true hero of the people!