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Steelsteet teet

A member registered Dec 08, 2021

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Lookie here chumbucket screwed driver, if you don’t take it easy and relax every once in a while I’ll be sad!

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Please stop not every is a homo and if he does do it i at least hope we’re able to toggle it

Remember there’s no chick’s with dicks only dudes with tits

This man right here is a sigma

Threshold I need this one answered love you’re game but I’m looking for that jucey lore

Well I don’t think you need to worry I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say everyone loves your work, I mean how could you not?

Do you think your gonna add a android version at a y point?

Yay another update, kind of stopped playing for a bit but I played it again yesterday, I’ve been up all night playing the I may or may not of restarted and now I’m the most powerful water specific mage you’ll ever know, love the game and the characters please never stop uploading but maybe we should both sleep for a bit considering that last time we talked you were sad that you were only able to get like 10.000 words in, I don’t think I’d be able to put this much effort into anything, thanks for the amazing game 😁

Not enough storage to install so you got to sacrifice something for the great or good ass game it’s amazing trust me

Well that took a millisecond not saying your game is short, just saying your game is so good that I binge played it for 6 hours straight, amazebolls just amazebolls

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Ima keep going for this cuz it’s amazing but ima wait while cuz I can’t take 4 steps without running into a cliff hanger and [no mean for insallt here] but I feel you could got more game time put in not gonna bag cuz your a human to and need to human, still an awesome kinda fell in love with it as soon as I saw it


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Jeez guy an average, holy crap you want some sleep to go with your epic porn game, but no seriously good job dude good 😄, and I’d like to mention awesome work on the personality on the character’s, get the cocky tsundare vibe a lot tho not complaining, loved the game since day one. (:

Woooooooooooooo, that’s all I needed to say have a nice day

Noice good job my guy,

VPN? I mean unless you’re gonna go to jail there’s no much thay can do about it

You know it’s people like you that I have a lot of respect for. I mean your game isn’t famous but you put more than enough work into it and you do weekly updates. I hope you keep on working on this till it’s a masterpiece good on you for creating something soo cool. I believe that you and this game deserves way more love ❤.


And you did this in a week?. DAMN!

Please may you’re world become one once again 🙏

Thank you I’ll be getting computer soon so I hope cock blocked again

Yay monster weeebs. And if you liked that I suggest monster girl doctor Same creator I think A vary cringe worthy anime good luck with that. Oh and next season on December 20th,

OK new to the game and just downloaded it but it won’t let me get past the second text box

Thank you I will now go fuck myself

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If this is real I’m shooting myself!, edit IN THE HEAD!, PS I didn’t specify which head

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How do I get it to stop crashing?, I mean it won’t crash immediately but it will crash after the first like 20 seconds, and if I start the game before then it won’t let me get past the intro, I’m on android BTW

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I just started and it keeps crashing if you can fix it how?,and if not please let me know cuz I need the storage space, BTW I’m on android

Yes disappointed but still good

Yes yes and did I mention YES!

Did anyone else scream DEMON QWEEN as soon as they saw vivin?


I hope so I feckin love this game! Good to see that there still making The game


Wtf did i just nut to?!?!

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I just beat the game about a month ago and deleted it now i got to do all that over again i’m over joyed that i’m back at the start so my aginy can begin a new!

Edit i just beat the game and im disappointed and mad at my self i just spent 13 hours on a game that i already almost beat and the final boss was the bane of me and what i have of my life no offense to The creater Grate overall game all tho a pain in my ass^–^

Edit again, i…I…. I did it again I think I’m a masochistic

Valid nutted