Thanks a lot, I somehow just managed to check every part except there so I figured it out!
Recent community posts
I might be having an issue playing as Taramiel in the Underdark. After attempting her boss fight the fist time, I failed and decided to go back up the Underdark with the full 3 squad. Then I deafeted the Succubus, probably to early, and exited the underdark. It seemed weird so I returned and then proceeded as normal, just after the bossfight with Taramiel I immediately left the underdark with the remaining 2 party members. But now that I'm playing as Taramiel in the Underark I steem to be stuck as nothing is triggering I think. Does anybody know what to do?
First of all I love the game, you did an amazing job with the story and visuals.
I have a question though. I just downloaded the latest version after copying my older save files and deleting the older version. I put these copied saves in the save folder of the latest version but It seems like it doesnt have the latest update. Can I do something to fix it or do I start over again?