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A member registered Jan 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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feed them eggs from the beach


how do you get to the mountains to deliver snake's note?

ace doesn't know who did it, and it isn't any of the suspects. pretty sure the messages are just to show you how bad ace's mental state really is

you can't win this game since you can't accuse yourself. there's no right answer.

it's not really part of the story, it's just to help you understand ace's spiral into insanity as far as I know.

ah I didn't realize how long ago this thread was, sorry ^^"

after the first flower, biologically compatible mates should ask "try for kits?" at the end of their dialogue when given pink tulips. saying yes will result in a random chance of pregnancy, meaning it'll probably take a few flowers to produce results. if you're female, a kitting countdown will start and you'll give birth in your clan's nursery, but if you're male, you'll have to give your mate another flower for them to tell you they're pregnant, and a bit after that kits will show up in their clan's nursery. there's currently no way to tell your mate has given birth past the first litter unless you go to gatherings, in which case the births will be announced, so you may want to periodically check the nursery. hope this helps

I mean, there is a surgery (at least with humans) that could make him biologically male, but are you saying he hasn't gotten it? Either way, the kitting mechanics, specifically dialogue, are very out of whack. To be fair, I've had kits with Nightlight as a female and she also says that she's pregnant, so assuming Moose hasn't had surgery, it may just be a bug with that sort of relationship (excluding Breezestar).

not to talk to her the first time, but after talking with her a few times, she will require you to get deathberries. to show you got them, you have to talk to her with them in your mouth

talk to blizzardstep once he's a warrior and complete his quest

there seem to be a lot of bugs regarding mating with moose. if you pay attention to his dialogue it sounds like he went through the cat version of surgery or something to become biologically male, but that makes no sense with the mating responses. frankly it makes no sense either way, since I've mated with him as a female and he's the one who has the kits, meaning whichever gender you are you will be able to have kits with him and he will be the one to get pregnant. maybe there's something I'm missing, or maybe mossy just hasn't tested mating with moose much.

I haven't found him either, he may not be coded in yet

as the person above me said, it's part of the lore. I'm not completely up to date on the storyline and the wiki is quite confusing, but I've heard that sliverstone is just a figment of her mom's imagination. If that's true, someone else would have had to have killled firestar, and littlebird did want to kill firestar. someone else could probably answer this better but that's what I've come up with

find them in the apprentice's den, click them, answer 'yes,' then find the other mentors and click on them to learn how to train them. you can check with breezestar in her den for your training progress.

it seems like juniperkit is skipping his first line of dialogue since when I talk to him he talks about getting me as a mentor instead of introducing himself. don't know if it's intentional but it seems like a bug

pink tulips are used to advance romantic relationships, gray flowers are used for breakups, and yellow/white tulips are used as platonic gifts and to advance certain quests

talk to lucy's spirit with the deathberries in your mouth