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stencil chris

A member registered Jan 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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Super fun, I love the game references, social commentary, and general felinity :) People who like DDR or that one level from Undertale will enjoy this :) Well polished and fun game!

As a fan of zelda like top down games, I enjoyed this one! Getting enemies into my hitbox was a bit difficult without getting hit. Otherwise, it was good fun!

Very strange but interesting mood! Very captivating

I really enjoy the art style in this game, it is a cool creepy vibe. The skill tree for powering up is pretty cool too. I can only wonder what your giftee asked for!  

What a fun short little game! 

Thank you for giving my game a try! Excellent feedback, much appreciated :)

No problem! I think it could shape up to be a pretty fun Contra-style game. well done :)

Fun little game! I enjoyed the gradual difficulty increase. I got a little tired of hearing the shoot sound effect though ^_^ 

Fun game! Gave me "geometry wars" vibes. Nice use of glow effect! Wish I could hold down the mouse to continually shoot. 

Hey! For anyone who stumbles upon my submission: Frustratingly, I did not have enough time to complete the entire game for this jam. I plan to make continual updates over time, and I encourage you to come back and play later when it's completed. 

Thanks for leaving a comment and trying it out! Unfortunately didn't have a lot of free time for this Jan despite being stuck at home. If you encountered a bug that broke gameplay I'll try to make a fix in the future. Thx again!

Thank you for leaving a comment and trying it out! Agreed, sadly didn't have tons of time for polish.

Very cute and fun!!

Lol thank you for giving it a try and adding it to your vid!

Thanks for giving it a play! The game is very unforgiving, that is one thing I regret haha

More context clues for what Lilitu wants- I want to experience the other levels but I don't know what to give her on level 1!

Great game, charm reminiscent of Mystical Ninja 64 :) Would like a hint guide, though!

That was pretty fun and very polished for a jam entry! Reminds me of games like Jump Ultimate Stars! Sadly I had to play alone :(

Aww Love Cats :)