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Stephan Schueritz

A member registered Nov 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey folks!

We just released a relaxing and light, challenging game about a magician that needs to repair plants that create power for the world he/she is living in.

The game is set in two phases. On the night you get notified where broken plants are and on the day you need to drive to the location and repair them by pressing a combination of buttons.

The game gets more difficult over time, while more things are start to break in the night.
You have an energybar that shows you how much energy you have until the game ends.

The world is beautifully decorated with hand sketched items.

If this catches your interest, feel free to checkout the games page:


English, German, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish & Slovak

Windows, Linux, Mac, Android Tablet

How the game works

Great, will check it out soon.

So how to make it through? :)

Well-made assets. But about the rest of the game, I'm not sure. Missing instructions to enjoy it. :)

Strange, but nice dialogues.

Intro and Visuals great. Game idea great, but quite too hard, and you didn't get much feedback for the fail so you can do better.
Something to indicate if you hit too early or too late would help a lot. Also, please put the attack on the keyboard and best make it playable on the Controller. This would be so much fun.

Great job!

(1 edit)

Quite hard to play. Visually great, but not sure about the enjoyability, maybe some instructions, FX and a more settle start to get into it would help to make it great?! :)

This is fun!

Add a Damage animation and maybe some obstacles to hide behind, and there you go.

Maybe check out why it is 480 MB for that game? I would expect 20 MB.
Also, PS4 Controller didn't work, but XBox Controller worked.
Menu please make it available to use the keyboard and controller to navigate.

Great fun. Mad the level in 46,54sec! Good Job.

Most difficulty was with the controls. Even it is looking like a pixel perfect game, the controls feel too floating. Also, please add the ability to press the retry button with the spacebar.

The game has potential.

There is a great video on how they did the controls on Celeste. I think you can benefit from that:

Where do I find the object to open the boat house. Was running around the forest, but didn't find it?
And why is there no exit button when I'm in the escape menu? :)

I like the visuals, the animations and the music very much.
But it is more the hard to calculate the jumps over the gabs.
With the first jump tier, you already lose the orientation, but the second is too heavy over the board.
I was also able to falls away from the dead zone, so I ran on the bottom for a while. UI for Retry should also be navigable with the keyboard when the game is focused on that input.

If you tweak the jump and do some small fixes, this game will be really fun. Good job!

Looking forward for a playable version.