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A member registered Nov 04, 2017

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Cute game! The scaling was way too slow for the amount of time invested, and eventually the repeated transition from the tree screen to the project screen and back was taking the most time. Has good potential for an enjoyable game to spend time with.

I eventually figured out the steps to not instantly lose, but its not very clear when you're doing something or not. Some more visible feedback when upgrading and what level the towers are would be good.
Still had fun once I figured out the basics however. Nice work. Could be a real game.

A very engaging, straightforward game. The art is very cute and the entire experience seemed fairly polished and forgiving of player mistakes. It was fun to figure out new orientations and I was always looking forward to new fish. Good stuff and truly amazing for the dev time.

Good game. Fun music. Nice Art. Neat Mechanics.

Game has some good ideas but I think it needed more time to be really realized. 

You can lose, I don't know if you can win. Doesn't seem to have a score system or anything to really push you to continue playing once you have all the parts. Wave counter serves in this role but not really. 

Ship Assembly! Cool idea, needed something to really make it shine like the ability to choose which parts you get or maybe lose parts when you take enough damage or something in that line. The ship becomes a bigger target but you don't really get much for it other than more damage, and everything dies quickly regardless.

Guns had firing arcs so thats cool, but there was little reason to really favor one side or another even with the theoretically increased firepower when you got a new part.

Very Dog, much puzzle, wow.

Okay this is cool and fun. I would have probably given it a top rating just for creativity if there was also a way to lose.