Adding a follow up, knowing what animation order you are assembling these in would go a long way.
Right now I am flipping back and forth between aseprite and the page and identifying what animation I am looking at, sorting out why its frame count is different (creatures to citizens) and then ordering/applying tags for my game to digest them in a consistent way. hopping back and forth between files if there are multiple vs a single one. If the spritesheets had a consistent flow you could slice/paste into a template.
Some dev feedback!
Very cool art. Hope you make more!
Recent community posts
I'd be able to use if these had attack and death animations. Lyaseek has a good baseline for universal use imo.
Looks good though!
Just another feedback! I would keep the effects in general on a separate layer.
I personally do my effects through a particle system or instantiated prefab so enabling that work flow will widen your audience. This applies to the whoosh on archers or an impact visuals on melee (like the were bear slam). It also applies to the red blink (I tween these). I would keep them, just sorting them out to a layer in Aseprite for a quick hide would go along way for some devs. This might be considered a more modern dev workflow vs static sprites doing all the work. When they aren't on their own layer and they overlap the sprite it's a pain to pull apart, almost enough to avoid using the sprites unless you plan to fully commit to that style alone. This would be the difference in my being a 'bought every pack' person vs a 'big fan that doesn't buy anything' person.
I think your stuff is great, I wouldn't go too far out of your way on my opinions if your vision is set but I like it so much I thought I might over share my feedback. Good luck! I am sure this series will do great.
check out how this guy offers his Aseprite file pre tagged. It’s optimal in this space if your interested in seeing how one of the best, imo, does it. A lot of potential in packs of this quality in volume!
Ignoring a developer you don't want to see is not overkill. It's the desired outcome for better or worse.
Yes, I did mean explicit as in adult and the point was if the author does not list it properly it won't matter. Same point for tags. Having a proper block system would encourage proper listing in more than just that area or you are open to more people blocking you out completely. It helps self moderate.
I'll check out your script, I appreciate you sharing! My idea here is simply that a block should be wider and hide more. That's all. Maybe blocks could have a few settings if it's ever actioned.
I don't think it needs to be overcomplicated, it's simply a needed function. I don't see a "I have already seen this" button only for recommendations as a solution. If someone posts 30 x explicit assets I should be able to choose to block them from my view. It's an oversight that blocking does not also hide that persons content. It would encourage better behavior anyways. If I could easily filter out AI generated art or explicit material maybe you could argue another direction but that would hinge on proper listing anyways.