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Joshua 🐢

A member registered Mar 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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hey there, thanks for playing. I was aware about it being a bit clunky, but it wasn't that bad for me. When I saw the video posted I realised it must have been something with my mouse sensitivity? Idk, it was great. Bit the anticlockwise thing and all that didn't happen that bad.again thanks for playing,it feels really good. I'll make a better one next time

Ahh, got it,. Ill try and fix it. :)

hey thanks for playing, unfortunately I didn't quite understand by 90 degrees off. Does the player not rotate 360 degrees when you move the mouse in a circle above or around him ?

Thanks for playing, I'll work on the controls

i uploaded now, thanks for letting me know. i didn't know
