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A member registered Sep 03, 2020

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(1 edit)

Everything about this game is so well done and it was overall an absolute treat to play. Incorporates horror in an office setting in a perfectly atmospheric way.

What first drew me in was the art - the art style is super cute, so when the tone changes it really catches you off guard with the more creepy CGs. I love the variation in sprite poses, character expressions, and of course, the vast number of CGs you see throughout your playthrough. Truly a feast for the eyes. Then, there's the music. Every single track in this game encapsulates the floor's atmosphere absolutely perfectly. What really stood out to me were floor 4 and 8's tracks; the way they put a childish/glitchy spin on the main theme really makes those floors off-putting. My favorite thing, though, is the dialogue/characters. The humor they add is a great breather in between all the creepy stuff. Particularly love the recurring gag with the coworker giving us fake names, and also how there's special dialogue if you keep the rat alive!

The only criticism I have is that, like many others here, ending 14 did not activate upon a new playthrough (I did triple check I got all deaths), but I did read the dev's comment about what the ending entails so it's no biggie. One other minor thing is that you can't re-check the telephone number after closing out of its window, so I had to find it in the guide since I misread the first '9' as a '4'. But like I said, it's no big deal.

TLDR; Play this game, you won't regret it! Great art + great ost + great dialogue + great execution!

Been seeing some people asking for a guide, the dev posted one here on their Tumblr! Just follow the heart-to-heart choices (some choices aren't listed, so I suppose for those ones, any option is fine?) to reach the good ending!

Anyways, super fun game! I absolutely love the art and music, and Mettaton's characterization is just perfect. 10/10!


I instantly fell in love with this when I first found it on Twitter, and although I don't usually play otome demos, I couldn't resist playing this one. I enjoyed every second of it! The dialogue and references are hilarious, and all of the characters are super fun to watch. It's been super difficult to choose between Enoch, Lucas, and Felix, but I think the rivals-to-lovers dynamic + banter is the most intriguing (and fun to watch) for me so far, haha. 

And a side note: during the dodgeball game, I noticed that after a female MC chooses to defend Lucas, Felix asks if you "ladies" are done talking, as if the MC is talking with Kat instead. Not sure if that's intentional or not, like Felix just being extra condescending to Lucas, lol.

Anyways, thank you for the wonderful demo, and I look forward to following the development of your game!

Thank you for taking the time to reply! I learned so much more about the characters I had questions about, and now have a much better understanding for art and story creation. You've really helped me out; again, thank you so much for the detailed response!

(2 edits)

Hello Pinlin, I finished all routes and endings last night and just had to say that this game is AMAZING! I've never left a review on a game until now-- that's how much I like Dark Nights, lol. This is easily the best otome I've ever played. The art is absolutely PHENOMENAL, and the writing and characters are all ridiculously good. I love what you did with the extra scenes, archive, and sketchbook since they motivated me to do all the routes and endings (which is another thing I never do for otome games, but this one's an exception since it's THAT good). I'm very invested in this game and its characters, so I have a lot to say... this might get a bit lengthy LOL

 SPOILER WARNING for anyone reading this who hasn't finished Dark Nights yet!

First off, I love what you did with the routes and storylines for this game. Usually, otome games have one villain and the routes tend to get somewhat repetitive since the player will know what the villain will do, but that isn't the case here. I was seriously thrown off going from my first playthrough on Sachiro's route to Zeikun's route and seeing Rasumi shift from being the main villain to a support character! All of the side characters have good and bad sides depending on what route the player is on, and I think that's genius. At first I hated Roya in Kurato's route, but then I loved him in Junoru's route. I love the duality each of the characters portray, as it really adds depth to the story. Though, Rasumi tends to be pretty antagonistic overall, lol. I also enjoyed seeing how everyone's stories connected to one another. For example, how Sachiro and Kaichi knew each other, and how Kurato and the Kenriji sons went to school together. I was also absolutely baffled when Kaichi was revealed to be Kurato's childhood friend Tenshi! Every character seems to be connected the others in some way, and I loved seeing their different relationships play out. Even the characters that only appeared for a short while (Namely, Yokishi and the Kenriji brothers' parents) caught my eye! Plus, all the designs are super unique and memorable-- I envy your character design skills!

Secondly, I have some questions about some of the characters now that I've seen all the game has to offer. 

1. When he dies in some of the endings, Kaichi is shown to have no heart. Does this have any sort of correlation with his curse? Or is having no hearts just a common trait for all shinigami? Kaichi's my favorite side character, and I love his personality and backstory!

2. Is Rasumi's ulterior motive ever revealed? She's a super interesting two-faced character with a lot of secrets. I was thinking that she might be causing all this chaos just for the sake of her own entertainment, but I'm not sure.

3. Why is it that Roya takes interest in the MC, and why does it seem like he's able to tell when his death is coming up? Furthermore, is he craving his own death? In Junoru's route, he says that he'll probably die soon, which ultimately ends up happening a short while after this claim. In Kurato's route, him and Kurato fight and he loses, but he says some things about how he's been wanting to die once he's already been defeated. His character is pretty complex, and I wasn't expecting to like him as much as I do!

Next, I was wondering if you have any art or writing tips to offer? I'm absolutely in love with all of your different styles! I have a hard time with drawing backgrounds myself, and I would stare at the in-game backgrounds for a solid few minutes when they popped up since I was so impressed at your skill. I also have a hard time coming up with good character designs. I'm working towards creating a webcomic in the future and am working on my art skills, so any tips would be immensely helpful :D

And lastly, my personal rankings of the routes are Junoru -> Kurato -> Sachiro -> Zeikun! Though, my favorite boys are Kurato and Sachiro, haha. Zeikun isn't really my type, but I still surprisingly really enjoyed playing through his route! Sachiro was adorable, and I loved his route even more once his spirit form was revealed. Junoru is one that I seriously wasn't expecting to love as much as I do! I really enjoyed the pacing of his route. And finally, Kurato is my absolute favorite because of his design and personality. Loved his dynamic with the MC! I'm a sucker for characters who used to know each other when they were younger.

Alright, I think I've covered everything that I wanted to! Thank you so much for this wonderful game! I loved playing every second of it, and I (like many other people who have played this) would definitely be interested in a possible sequel with the side characters. Though, this game is already perfect for me as it is!

Thanks again! Your art, characters, and writing are all phenomenal! Will definitely stay tuned for your future art and projects :D