Huh, neat.
*internal voices
To Echoproject, or is it just Echo? I don't know, anyway.
I'm new here, and first of I just want to say that Adastra, made me see a new light of things, a lot of things. Playing it was just a roller-coaster of emotion and I kid you not, sometimes I instantly turn my phone off because I instantly get assaulted with emotions, both the good and the bad. One night, I was binging till 3am and decided to stop for a bit and rest, but I couldn't, I stayed awake as my mind was just being blendered with these emotions over and over again until I realised that the sun was rising, it instantly reminded me of the title screen, and I both laughed and cried. Adastra reflected a lot of things in life, like strife and happiness, pain and healing, and the known dread of furthest reaches of existence, like the Parents,and the Other, that bit was nightmare fuel to me.
Seeing as how the relationship unfolds with everything around you, the character, learning some morals and a bit of wisdom to be honest, and the most memorable moments for me is with Amicus. I have never experienced what it's like in a relationship, single since birth basically but I don't mind it, although with the carnal urges and also the confused selection of which sex to choose (I'm Bi) but playing Adastra, made me realize something that I already knew, basically I just vibe checked myself like heck, and I realize, I'm just so lonely. Adastra gave me a bit of hope that anywhere and some day, there will be that someone that you just want to do everything with, a moment which I hope will happen (Parent forbid, lol). Speaking of Parents, them able to see the future kinda reflected me a bit, when I'm making big decisions I always try to imagine every possible outcome and pick the most favourable, but Adastra, as I said, major vibe check, reminded me that life is just weird, and that seeing of what's already to happen is boring, like watching that one movie all over and over again, because knowing of what's to come next in life, is like your life has already ended as color that is worth painting on the canvas is just, gone.
To summarise all this, Echoproject or Echo, I thank you for this game, Adastra, and I hope that you will read this and get as much as the love I have felt for it. As I go to sleep in emotional content, excited to continue the story tomorrow. Thank you馃槝馃