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Logan's bitch

A member registered Dec 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hyao said there's a game over scene, didn't find it yet

Updateeed! Thanks God! Hyao is alive!

I'm also waiting here. 😔

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Unfortunately you don't have many scenes with him, there's one with Arion when you try to bath him, one with the orc, in the fair, and those are the ones I know, but he's quite cute, if you discover new scenes with him tell me please.

Yeah, i've been checking here constantly for updates and I was even considering sign-in Patreon however it doesn't offer support for my country

Did you explore the caves and found his farm already?

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sometimes you gotta advance other quests before finishing one, I think this specific of the wolves you have to advance the bandits quest because there are some choices involving Logan, it's just a hunch.

Go after logan, you can get hearts with Bernard later but not with Logan if you lose the chance.

Thanks, I'm quite excited too.

I'd like to know if there's an exact date for the update?

You gotta have a lot of patience with Logan, but is worth it, it's really cute seen how he tries to demonstrate his love.

maybe there's something off, I did the firework scene with him but no heart, wonder if there is something missing.

Guy's, how many hearts is possible to get with Logan until the moment? I Got two, one chasing him in the werewolf event and other when he visits my house at night.

I guess the first heart should be something involving Victoria, the first time you met him, right?

You can do this in a mission with Logan later, he'll accompany you, however you gotta be following his TOP route where he becomes a werewolf

There are already some sharkmen in a cave somewhere around the game, they just don't have sprite yet 😌

What do you mean be loyal? does it make any difference, because I've been whoring around with everyone.

I'm not sure if trusting the witch is a good idea, someone update me plz.

No idea, however always leave more than one save ready, in farm road mission you can get a black heart with Logan os Ste if you make the wrong choice, I'm sure you don't want a black heart with the brute Lumberjack

I'm also interested, I've been reading your comments, until now I've done the same actions and still no heart with that despicable man, I don't even know if the game allows it at the moment,however if I manage to get something I'll update too.