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A member registered Feb 25, 2023

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Sounds good i even sat there for one minute and nothing changed still kept being a black screen. Glad that i let you know incase its a bug you can possibly fix. 🙂

idk what it is but im on a Google Pixal 7A phone but when i lose to the slime boss dummy i get to my apartment again but the game leaves it black screened like this. dont know if it is the version i downloaded the apk one not the touch android one should i try the touch one? 

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i played the free episode 1-7 download.. gosh! i miss that grey wolf girl!~ but i already know what happens an i wish there was more of a thing for the game where you can breed the charactors over again rather than loading the last save before you end episode 1-7. this game i really liked alot and hope that dicpic keeps updating it!~~ i gotta wait till newer updates show before i redownload it an redo everything again~ course i dont remember seeing much girls in that download like dicpic said ive only seen the town which was three or four only.

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it has an amazing story to it kinda sounds like your a demonlord or well Perseus is haha but im sure your not but it is a monster girl game, anywho yukari when will u make the demo kinda more progress to it i made it to day2 and yep, i was told demo ended to get full version its so amazing i like the game but wish it wasnt the download demo i can only get since full is money. i know im not the only one that wants a free full release of the game!😳 but as always when i try differnt adult games some let you play fully without it being a demo version but yes yukari this is a good game if only i could fully get it but no matter. GOOD JOB~  😆

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yeah i played the demo, story is always a thing i like but not really wanting to buy it cause 13bucks lol, all an all games yes gory, not recommended if u find that to much ive seen gory stuff before, but yeah i like the lewdy part than gory part but! nothing to crazy in the demo, i mean wow a head lopped off but maybe reikodium is more into the crazier gory stuff ive seen unless the dev doesnt go that gory if thats all dah gore  you see in the game why not try it then but if the dev replies to this an says "oh yes we went CRAZY into the gory scenes" then you may wanna just double check if you wanna mess with this game rn im sticking to the demo, vegas cute wish i filled her instead haha. anywho hope anyone else enjoys the story and lewdyness to the game. 

Oh you make it as a hobby and a learning experience for if you wanna be someone who makes games? Thats better than my pokemon collecting cards hobby haha. Also i see, so R5 is still on hold for awhile till you can get to it, but thats ok good to hear that maybe you will add 2 new enemies possibly. yes it wasnt to bad first stage was simple but i mostly want to breed them kobolds hehe. 

Games fun, my favorite parts were i can breed the kobolds, if i may ask when will you update it more again papel? if i can give u advice why not add eggs, cumflation, and the kobolds and orcs moaning as you fuck them instead of when you penetrate them and cum in em id like to hear more moans as you breed em and maybe you can add gators, or even snakes to the mix sometime. i cant do the second round much so i like to just stick to the first stage. im more into breeding the kobolds than saving the princess 😅.  hope to see a new update soon papel! 🙂

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i do like the game mind you i dont got the patreon build i got the android free one were theres still a few quests under construction but nranchs besides one little issue i have rn in the game i put it on the android bug area and showed the screenshot i like the game and i always was a fan of kobolds haha, so just keep building ur game more its amazing to me. 😆

Nranchs i found a bug i did all the available quests cause main quest and two other quests are under construction you say in your game but i think i got a bug or glitch here in my screen shot it says only to observe her and not talk to her says i need to be adjacent to her but like i cant cause shes standing in the door way and i dont wanna redo the quests on a new game how do i get to finish this quest with the shortbow that is literally all i need to finish is that darn quest besides the ones under construction still, but i cant talk to her anymore cause of were shes standing the red robed npc. i am little irritated.

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this game is quite interesting and yes wibiz is right it's like a Plants vs Zombies game so alittle boring but you just gotta play smart basically i almost lost a Archery guy cause he got fully naked except his boots whoops, so long as you don't make silly mistakes you probably can win each time, but it can be intense too, but it would be hot some day to maybe add some girls in the players army eventhough it says "the last human stronghold" you could add some hermaphrodite enemies if you have girls in the army, i always liked seeing hermaphrodite monstergirls, i recommended this game to a few of my friends to see if theyll try it. 😊

im on Google Pixel 7A and its and android but when i downloaded game wasnt compatible...urghhhhhh i wanted to try it.

Also uh ambjorn how do we..  get the last three buildings unlocked is that another upsate you need to still do? or do i need to find some kinda secret thing in the dungeons to unlock the three last buildings i have the rest open course i been trying mostly novice dungeons and sole adepts but anything jigher idk yet sonce none of my gals are over novice even ive only fpind adept maids and cows no like adept or higher other class gals but anyways just curious to how you unlock nursery and the two after that.

hrmm that makes sense i kinda figured but i think i know what i should do in the game only took my three tries to finally see it, the missions range from, novice, and adept for me so far, adept is alittle difficult rn but that's cause the girls i have are still novices, so later im gonna just stick to novice dungeons till i can level up the girls i like i sadly lost the first two right away in the second dungeon, but at least.. i think i know of a strategy ill try now. its pretty good game tbh. i like it alot course other than losing my favorite girls.. that always sucks lol.

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hey madodev, game is nice i like that it runs smooth but im also new to the game, so do you basically just let your girls get captured everytime, I've seen you know leveling up exp but like how can you level up if say for example you fight 4v4 on the game? once you faltter an your girl gets captured how can you level up if your constantly losing?, also it seems like all the computers are hard, im not trying to be a baby lol, just am wondering why i can't beat diff computers, and also wish there was somemore lewdier scenes onstead of just cumming XD, i hadnt seen anything lewdier except the orgasm button. im on android btw too. would love to see sex scenes more if possible or let me know how i can get more.

im sad now i hope we can make ur server again soon miro! ;-; i hate hackers, they dont got lives cause they get their stuff being dumbasses as hackers. i downloaded ur game just now on my new phone hopefully no errors, bugs, or game crashing.

ah shoot yeah i downloaded it but yeah said cant open the file :/ shoooot but thanks for making a download for it ig ill just have to wait till sometime we get Internet again.

hey weird420 im bisexual myself i dont mind seeing gay stuff i mean heck i like femboys which are males in feminine clothes like u said u like to see urself 🙂, i plan on trying ur game if my google pixel 7a downloads it later today i always kept getting games i like an when i download em the file says file cant download an it says forbidden.. an im like SON OF A.. why wpnt these games download?! i got a few games so im like why do some porn ones work but some dont either??. anyways ill let u lnow later on of i can give ur game a try on my phone.

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Darn Brp.. you seemed to make this a long novel porn game basically an i wish it was more like a download now though lol, i was hoping i can download it so my saves wouldn't be removed after i clean my caches out cause then i can play this when i can rather running it on the actual browser sadly, i mean i could just keep it up an let it say restore game but i wish it was downloadable for android.. it be so much easier to well play it more exspecially if u got a routine of stuff in life like i do i can't just lay here all day to read every line.. but so far im at chapter one because i got to fighting maples pikachu an then filled her booty up. its quite an interesting game on browser ig i can  redo it all later or tonight even. good work on makin the game.

its all good hotaru its probably cause of my phone plan maybe im on verizon plan might be watchin my downloads who knows or ig its Google even. ah no matter some day i might get on ur game.

Oh! gotcha i mean i could but now i cant redownload the game my phones always a funky thing uts brand new rhats probably why, but anyhow I'll try the game some time again but idk when now.

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Mhmm, also did u lower vivienes damage then from ur update three days ago imay try again course i gotta redo the first part again but not complaining maybe ill do better perhaps.

Oh you tried your own game, well that makes sense so u can check if u had any bugs, well at least im not feeling to bad bout losing to that second vampire boss, an ur right i dont mind waiting for new updates like i said MKRU, i like the style and the lewdyness just the battling with viviene really grinded my gears 😅, i wanted to just beat her an be done with that boss cause i seen other pics of differnt girls i do wanna make it further but i had to uninstall it cause of losing to much, i mean i wasnt an amazing skilled guy in rpg games, but i do like the style. Hope you  can make good updates an good lewdier scenes MKRU. 😉

Not for Google Pixel 7A keeps saying forbidden 

-_- of course it would.  

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Mkr, sexy game but u have a flaw my friend.. im lvl 6 an i keep losing to Viviene the second vamp boss u face cant level up anymore when the towns vamps are dead so it leaves u to a disadvantage tbh an if you ment to have lewdyness to it too maybe do diff sexual scenes instead of game over scenes that would be great but i had to uninstall a porn game that made me rage so much lmao, good luck with your game. oh and im on android so maybe thats why your games ment for pcs probably..

i was able to get a newer phone an phone plan with my sis an her fiance but now i beat ur game for now but i really wanna see the next update out soon. 

awe what they left it alone thats a pain even too :/.

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so this game isnt playable then why can you download it? i wasted data for a game  that isnt playable thats a bunch of BS, unless its ment for windows an not android but why have an android download then? i wanted to play this.

id love to download instead to my android, may try it later.~

id love to have this on android since i got android phone shes cute an i love that i spanked her but oof i wish it was a minigame an also novel like so i can breed her too but ik u made something  princess conquest its called but its for windows an cash ;-;. 

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i was just looking at the game looks sexy an fun but... im on android  is there to much stuff to even make it an android game possibly  sometome soon im wondering is all. :/

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Oh.. i see but then why make it a android  game though kamoo if its not ment for phones?.. i really seem to like how it looks but cant play it till i see if u do another update and it does better maybe mnnn ig i got the waiting game hehe. 😌

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hey miro darnit it went further with the wendigo but it still closes the game out  for me, mist be cause this phones to old or maybe it is cause games very buggy idk. just wanted to let u know that ye map3 lags an map4 just crashes the game x.x.

hey miro.. urgh i got to the wendigo i think it is but it keeps black screening an kicking me out an restarting the game now  forst the very laggy thing an npw i cant fet theough the wendigo area. old phones suck lol.. 

😳☺️ YES, defintly  loaded up quicker than ever that defintly  helped!~ now i can play it, an sorry for my darn old phone dang thing was made in 2016 so ye its 7 year old hardware. im hoping this Christmas  i can get a lot newer phone  without errors and bugs possibly thanks for the update alittle more for android  mirothefox!♡

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hey kamoo my android must be to old cause i tap start new game an it starts but like 2 or 3 seconds in it closes my game  i have Samsung Galaxy J7 Crown an i wanted  to try your game..

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hey mirothe fox... im to sad now i downloaded ur game it seems fun but... im on a Samsung Galaxy J7 Crown an i think its to old to play ur game.. ;-;.. i really wanted to try it but when it comes up u know u wake up ur screens red an it just lags it took so long for the red screen to clear off an then when gavirik spoke it was to slowwwww an laggy... i bet this games fun but for a fan of furry stuff like me i sadly am unable to.. try it. i have no wifi either so im in a pickle an cant touch the game.. *sad face*.

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I did too but i was only male i think u can only beat avy with a herm or female skin u need to be cause i did the second option cause thats how u see dr quinn but she never said anything about how to beat her again cause yeah i only was able to rematch avy with a herm or female skin. unless u can with the male side but now id need to make another  male skin if its true but i only seen it with herm an female. 

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Hey RachiMew, i did the chasity testing well obedience lesson, an i was able to breed Eliza Quinn from it but is there a way u can keep breeding her after that or is it just that one thing, an then the tavi escape one or the underground battling with avy even so like 3 times only? would there be more times to breed Eliza Quinn? 

if u battled in the underground u fight a cat dragon named ferri an she gets to lustful an loses to u an u can only tie her up an then leave her u cant rail her, an u cant fuck her after u beat her, -_-,  so i asked rachimaw to see if they can do a breeding option for ferri in the underground,  instead of pet play but u dont fuck her u just leave her  tied up an then shes stared at by hungry inmates.

Hey Rachi its stormblade or clay again so now that your updating your game is there a way you can have Ferri be the players pet she let out a moan an got fully turned on an lost the battle but you can only do 2 options but what if you make Ferri your pet after the battle and you see her more often like yourself rachi in the game... ik we make you our pet but what about ferri hehe.~