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A member registered Sep 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very good points. I should probably do a lot of the things you mentioned I've just been focusing on improving as a game dev and haven't gotten to that side of things yet. Very good points for me to consider though and I appreciate the thought you put into it. I'll think about it and probably add some of the things you said when I can get to it. Thanks

I'm glad you brought this up because I've been curious about videogame pricing lately. Let's dive into it! 

So a McDonalds Team Member makes $8.00 an hour by average, this means that currently you would have to fill chicken tendy orders for half an hour to afford this game, whereas in your proposal one would only have to fill tendy orders for fifteen minutes. I understand your side of this scenario because it cuts your required tendy production time in half, which is clearly desirable. However, how many minutes of tendy order fulfillment at McDonalds is this game really worth? 

I'm reticent in my belief that you took the current game price valued in tendy production time and merely cut that number in half as this seems arbitrary given the lack of accompanying rigorous scientific data and no mention of tendies at all.

I do look forward to hearing a more detailed breakdown of your proposal and will consider it with half a tendy boxing hour worth of dedication. 

Kindest regards

(legal team disclaimer: If poor-shaming is a thing we at Stormtasty do not support poor-shaming in any way and any representation of such is merely coincidence and non-intentional.)

nice, just don't tell getjinxed about that.

thanks, and yea I'm still studying art trying to get better. hopefully it will improve more

I'm not really sure where the frog went...

thanks glad you like it :)

sounds like an overenthusiastic firewall or security software deleting all execs or you have an admin that doesn't allow installing new software. I can't really think what else might be causing that to happen

As getjinxed mentioned when you pay once on you should have access to any new versions/updates on itch

Alternatively you can ask on the Discord to be entered into the Super Free Game Challenge for a chance to win the game for free. If you're up for a super challenge

1.0.0 is the final (only bug fixes and maybe small updates are planned at the moment like 1.0.1) so no more free versions unfortunately.


yea message me on the Discord. It might take me a bit to get to it but I'll make a new channel and we can talk about it

cool! I'll let you know if an ASSet position opens up


:( I'll ask if we're allowed to offer payment plans

thanks for letting me know I'll look into it.

mostly art. bug fixes and some dialogue in hotel.  next update has pregnancies, futa,  base festival competition and some other stuff

added it here:

Perfect I'll add that in too

Yea having it reproduce with anything might make it overpowered compared to other monsters. I know there's other people that would like to see that too tho so maybe I'll put it in next build and see how it plays. Could be interesting

Thanks! <3

0.4.4 just released here so the 0.4.5 one is next

thanks I'll look into fixing it

hot and hot saki

in that version of the game you need to upgrade the pens at the workshop. then at the lake(pithydra) and market(lobos). the newest version doesnt have pen upgrades anymore you can just go and get them but the version here I think you still have to upgrade pens first

no plans for male MC at the moment

Thanks glad you're enjoying it! Lots of things coming, more quests, monsters, lore, and a competition in a monster festival which visits the town.  Also more and better art. With the pen, for now you can have as many monsters in it as you want (which is probably a bad idea...) I should cap that and I can look at optimizing it as well

Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I just uploaded a version that fixed some bugs in that release as well

Should be out in the next couple of days. Hope you're having a good Christmas!

Thanks I'll add that

No problem! If it's a bug or something weird is happening let me know and I'll see if I can fix it for you

hit escape key and you should see the save button. I'm adding a icon soon so you can click that too

I'm aiming for a good size update once a month. Idk if it will be shower upgrade or upgrading to get a new and better way to remove corruption

Wow thanks for such a detailed breakdown lot's of good stuff in there. I'll go over it on the Discord in the suggestions channel if you don't mind going over there for the response, it will probably be pretty long...

Ah, thx I should have a fix for that in the next release. For stats you can buy/breed monsters with a plus symbol next to their stamina to get offspring with higher and higher stam

Thanks for the feedback! Right now the game is technically an infinite grind because there is no winning. Once I add that I'll be looking more at balance. Try selling harvested materials after a few generations at the tavern, after a bit it makes a lot of silver

For the first one I have some ideas for female monster types that can impregnate other female types that I'll likely add in the future. For the second one I can add an adult language filter once I get the options menu going. I'm glad you're enjoying the game thanks so much for the encouragement, I really appreciate it! :D

Sorry to hear about your laptop. I did some fixes that should help you out, try the new download hopefully it will work for you now

are you using a tablet? whats the screen size you're running the game on?

yes. Mac and Linux soon too