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A member registered Jul 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game was amazing im waiting for section 3

no problem I love helping developer's with ideas

My friend tried to put milk before cereal but it didn't work gladly

I got near 40 with one gear left so if you rush yes you could prob make under maybe even 35 if you rush rush

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In under 45 mins.   (That was meant to be a sentence my auto correct is annoying)

I wonder if I will make it

I'm going to try speed running not steaming or anything just gonna and I'll try the tips

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I wanna try to help new people with the knowledge I got from people 

Yeah it's confusing 

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or like where if you move too much it will attack more like an 2d aspect where if you move too much rustling is louder and if you move too much First the rustling stops and then the game turns around and it lunges toward you

yes nights with the deer are what makes this game MWAH Perfection you have to be careful with every step

yes the game is very confusing at first but you helping me made me beat it thx so much

idk what to do for the picture part

Why do you restart if you die

Yes I would love to bazooka the deer. 

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Hmm I usually don't like scp games but if it has Josie then I'm in (yes I know what she can do to me. So Don't worry she doesn't have any cheese)

I have that feeling too it's kind of stupid but also it feels like it should be there or else it's kinda a speed run just doing the main game I think the idea of going out of this AI WORLD to irl to solve  a puzzle is 6/10

With other games

Yes love to see this idea expand


Well uhh the crow is gone for now and the music box is the clown which a note will be beside your door it will say follow the music when you here clown music make sure to follow it get the balloon and give to the other clown who also plays music if you don't it will appear beside you taking your life

 Yes in my latest comment I said maybe add a monster log that only shows how they look if you encounter and how they work if you /die more then five times to it

Idk if there is mods but you should find them / create them if you try hard enough

This game made me look around irl gave me chills

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Warning ⚠️ Considerably long comment.   This game is amazing. at first I didn't understand anything like shadow me which I know with candles. The water well man which is for too much water and the clowns which are soooooooo creepy. And of course the wendigo and skinwalkers (fire running man is the wendigo I think and the deer for skinwalker) the deer is kinda annoying I died when they went on the clown so I couldn't get balloon and was too far even with Max speed to get to the house so I died to that. And the deer AGAIN frickin went on the crops that give the most (which was my priority) and took me forever to get the boat. But this game was amazing and I hope more things are added in the future. I have some suggestions myself 

1. New maps like wild West farm or an town map where for the wild West map you maintain your animals and collect eggs,milk etc. But at night the animals not so friendly now. and for the town maps I think that you bond with the people so they give resources but at night they turn into skinwalkers and do anything to get inside 

2.Modes. An easy mode where it saves every night/monster attack less often and angered skinwalkers is slower/player is faster in general, or an nightmare mode which it's always dark upgrades are 1.5x expensive and crops need 2 splashes of water to move one level up.

3.Seasons. Winter mode where it's harder to see and crops have a 50/50 percent chance to grow bad and will sell less. Summer mode is just normal mode as well with spring. and with fall leaves fall on ur screen and you are slowed due to leaves idk how but poof SLOWED

4.Monster. New monsters or an monster log to say all monsters you have encountered they won't reveal untill they are on the screen and then it will say how they work if you die to it. For new monsters maybe a parasite that destroys crops (to counter is like an anti parasite seed) or maybe some traveler that asks for 75-200 coins within one day (only appears after best farm unlocked) if you help the next day no monsters will appear except for wendigo the running man and shadow you. If you don't help he will remove 10 randomly selected crops from farms but not the first 2 farms ( here is what I mean he removes 10 crops from the last 3 farms so not the middle or top right farm)

And lastly 5. An animal to scare off the skinwalkers deer. 35 percent chance when an skinwalkers appears it will get eaten and 65 percent to scare it off.

If you read this all of if you skipped half or all this is the end of this comment

 Yes I would like if when you complete the boat you if takes u to menu but when you start again it's you on a boat to a harder island with some of same monsters but also new ones too.   Love to see this idea and all ideas in the comments maybe expand into the full game on steam

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Well you can't sleep. usually in the first night the clown appears with an note next to your door and we'll u find him take the balloon and find the sad clown to give balloon.   For the shadow man stay out of house and the candles tell you if he coming btw they are beside the bed.   All candles is like 55 seconds and 2 candles lit is 30 I think and one is 15 idk this is my estimated times

Adds sort of pacman aspect while also not 

Yes the deer is my pain and my will to live aswell

Also I meant like a monster log book so u can see them

Uh maybe find/create a mod for it? If you have the power too

Yeah  I think I hear something about this game going on steam so if the dev  saw this then maybe they will put an update for itch and put it in steam?


Could you make new game modes? Like an easy mode and you could save in easy mode or an nightmare mode where it's always dark and monsters appear faster. This is just a suggestion.

Thx I didn't notice the candles lol

Omg thank u  so much , but one time  i took too much water and something teleported in ma house it was like in the well? but thx!