I think that it means that there is over 10000 animated sexual encounters
Recent community posts
I feel like the game does explore the trauma the protagonist has after the opening really well but I doesn't make too much sense from a world building prospective. I wouldn't mind that but it could have been done in a much more sensitive way that doesn't exploit very real issues for cheap shock value.
The game is pretty decent, but it lacks some important features like a skip button and a save manager. The writing is iffy on one hand the protagonist is written competently, which is really good for a porn visual novel, but on the other the main love interest reeks of patriarchal stereotypes and doesn't show alot of personalty for how much time you spend with her. On top of that, I feel like the opening would stronger if it didn't mention the goblins raping female adventurers, in my opinion doesn't serve the tone of the scene without employing the same cheap trick used in the first episode of "goblin slayer." At the time of writing I am around half way through the game and I will comment my final thoughts a little later!
I think that the MC is written to be a jerk and that most of the other vault residents are just tried of that behavior and react with the same energy the MC gives to them , This is best shown in the first sex scene with Mary where the MC says "Usually girls swarm around me to get a taste of my divine cock, and you suggest giving this valuable thing up just for a simple head?" Of course most of the MC's peers would dislike them, they're an Asshole!