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A member registered Oct 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi ! You can try my entry if you want:

Hey ! Looks like I overrated my english skills, I did use a translator(deepl) though when I wasn't sure of my grammar but I should check more often now. For the "Hie" word, I used an old english translator for "Go". Concerning the last boss, me and my bug tester were able to defeat him, sometimes after one retry. I think you should retry, it runs out of MP 3 or 4 turns after using its spells. If you still can't beat it, I'll consider re balancing it. Anyway thank you for playing and like we say in french "Merci"! :) 

Hi, thank you for playing and leaving a comment! Concerning  the bats, Have you tried checking the options for run/walk ? Because I could escape them on the map when I tested. They weren't too hard to defeat when I tested too, although I died one time and that was because I was not healing enough. But sure, I will try to better balance them in a future update. Anyway, I'm glad people enjoy playing my game, that makes me really happy! Thank you again!

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Hey! My game is an .exe file and it's not too heavy(73mb), you can give it a try if you want!

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Thak you so much for playing! I'm so glad you enjoyed the summoning mechanic!

Hi, you probably haven't made it public in the page settings.

J'ai enfin pris le temps de tester et c'est vraiment génial !

Salut, j'aurai aussi voulu implémenter d'autres fonctionnalités mais hélas j'ai mal géré mon temps du coup je me suis retrouvé à simplifier beaucoup de mes idées. Mais merci d'y avoir joué et d'avoir laissé un commentaire !^^

Je suis en train de corriger tout ça, merci !

Thank you very much !