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A member registered Oct 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Press "Ignore" the issue is due to "fade" 's effect changing with a Ren'py update, but spamming "Ignore" allows you to just pass the few times this happens

Sorry about that

I am!

I'm just in the middle of many changes, I'm also mentally preparing the next update as a lot of things need to evolve / change to fit my new vision, which if everything goes as plan, should be and take this with a grain of salt, in winter.


On hold for now!

Nope, still alive, I'm just waiting to move out IRL, well tbh I was slow even before that.

Oh fair point, though the game is slowly going into a more linear route as time progresses, perhaps I should add more branching path uh

Press "Ignore" it'll stop happening after a bit, sorry about that!

Nope it's a linear visual novel

Thanks a lot for the very complete critic, I'm in a very slow part of development.

And EVERY comment is read, all of them.

I will take in account everything said here for the future of the game and the potential rework of chapter 1, as I agree that it's WAY too fast and that it lacks in proper development.

I am very humbled to have my work placed that high, thanks again for your word of advice and I wish you a fine day / night depending on where you're located!

For someone that "Deleted" the game from their hardrive, you sure went into a deep dive of my life over the last 2 years uh?

I'm mostly waiting on moving out for now, IREALLY need to pull myself together and write a proper devlog

Still going, as I mentioned for a while I'm mostly restructuring well, my life but I'm slowly, very slowly getting back to work!

My IRL life kinda took the step over my projects for now, thankfully I should finally move in a more "stable" workflow down the line, I'll come out with proper news soon!

Hi, just keep pressing ignore, it's a small bug I forgot to fix in the current build, it'll be fixed in the next!

It might come from you as nobody else ever reported that has an issue, which is odd

There already is one on my patreon for free


Trust me my friend a kind word like this does help, thank you

I hope things go well for you

Technically, nothing

I could totally get a new passport, grab a plane ticket, find a comfy appartment and live there, but I'm not really too fond of well southern countries, not because of the culture but because of the climate, I like cold place, and I'm attached to Europe as a land honestly.

I do want to ditch France at one point, but I don't feel like I'm ready

What error do you get?

Because it's fucking hot

I didn't, I know that some people worked on a mod but, afaik a few players got a few gallery issues with it, and Idk if it got updated, not that it really needs updating, most endings will be accessible and only karma will influence it

Eh, technically all you need to do is modify every line in script containing the error it isn't really hard as it only requires to remove a few words from it.

But considering the error happens a few times at the beginning and then stops, you can just press "Ignore" everytime it pops up

Hmm, it seems to work perfectly on my end.

The build for now is paid only, as it's basically patreon builds

If you can send me a proof that you paid for it on discord or that ur subbed on patreon I'll send you the mega link directly

Let me check it out

Oh I just found where the issue lies, it's basically an issue with Ren'py being updated over the years, code that used to go through the net's holes no longer pass, so I had to adjust the code, thanks for the report!

Please don't apologize, you guys, by that I mean my community is amazing, I wouldn't be able to find a better crowd, memelords, shortstacks enjoyers and overall nice folk, it's basically lucid Paranoïa from me haha, I know that it holds no basis, but perhaps you may know that feeling if you're creating something for an audience but the feeling to always have to please, to do better is a heavy one and one that I'll never shed off, it does keep me grounded to feel bad about taking a lot of time!

And I appreciate the kind comments I really do, I began working because I wanted people to find something nice to make them feel a bit of joy, a bit of sadness sometimes anger but y'know, to feel something and if I hit the mark, then I'm happy that I hit my mark!

Hi, I use Koikatsu

I don't frankly remember, you see the main points from chapter 1 are mostly remembered through decisions, I'd sadly struggle to say and tell any little detail.

From what happened after the choice, I assume that it was intended though it may need some fixing

Part 1 is included inside part 2!

So don't worry about it, the next update is 0.11 and it'll be out within a few days for the public!

Thanks a lot man I'm super glad you had fun!

And I hope you'll keep enjoying the coming builds!

Thanks for the sweet and kind words friend

Please, take care of yourself and focus on your own problems people often underestimate how much kind words mean to a dev, thanks once again, and may god bless you too brother.

I am, ironically enough tomorrow is my second meeting with my therapist.

On a side note I've been feeling a bit better lately, though these phases tend to not last long.

I appreciate the concern from players it means a lot, really!

I'm working on a second game, but there are no public build yet!

Life has been a bit everywhere.

All of my devlogs are free on my Patreon you can read them to get a raw ideas of how things are going

Merci beaucoup chef, ça touche d'avoir des fans francophone!

I am still working on the game, I just took a small break to not burn out as I obviously am unable to be productive right now...

I use Koikatsu for the characters & maps

& Ren'py for the code

Almost ready, should be out before the end of the month!

Hey there, first and foremost I thank you for the VERY constructive feedback, it is appreciated, both negative and positive.

Now I'll answer your concerns and negative points.

I could see why someone would see my post as Emotional blackmail, but the sole reason I talk in detail about my personnal life is because I owe it to people, there hasn't been a single update in over a year, I've got to give the fair explanation, unfortunatly it's a packaged deal with my person, I've felt guilt over the past for not telling players what was going on in my life to explain the delay.

I don't expect anything out of it I say it very often in my posts, but we all have our own problems, I'm only talking about mine, it's a way for me to also vent, it's sorta therapeutique.

Now the way ToU was built was that it was supposed to be a one off update.

Going up to 0.5, like your average Japanese VN, you were just a human wanting to hit gob & elf puss.

Keep in mind the story comes from a passionate stronk with no IRL problem at 19 years old.

I pumped updates pretty fast until something sort of clicked inside of me, I wanted to change the setting, I got perhaps a bit too ambitious, and I hit a wall, making renders became a bit of a slog and it happened right as my life changed about two years back.

The reason the pacing got THAT out of hand is mostly due to author whims and wills, I wanted something more original but ended up locking myself up even more, I really wanted a dwarf character so I created Nelsie, but today I realize that she's far harder to handle than I hoped, she's hard to animate for scene, her character doesn't need growth, she's important for a few lore reveals, but I can't give her the spot I wanted to give her.

Project: Jericho being an improved project will have far less pacing problems mostly due to being planned to be long from the get go.

0.11 was FULLY written in that Project: Jericho mindset of expanding lore and fleshing out characters, so the pacing while still fast should still be digestable with 0.12 being a slow slice of life-ish update & 0.13 being a Major lore event.

Being an author is a lot of responsability, mostly mentally, EVERY single day is a day I stress about being too slow on my work or about renders being of bad quality, it's a 24/7 thought, especially with Patreon being my SOLE source of revenu, without my Patreon I unironically starve otherwise I would've gladly paused each month I didn't post anything, but I'm forced to keep it open for now and as I said, it took me a god damn year but I feel like I'm on the right path to make ToU better, I suppose people like you will be the judge of that for 0.11.

As for the humor, I'm very fucking stupid, I love myself a good cringe joke, and I really couldn't stop myself from doing it, I remember the first time I made this dev interaction thing, I laughed for over an hour working on it, that said I do want to keep my interactions in the game, mostly because my character is part of the game's Identity.

With that said, I get that the humor got pretty "eh" it's funny once, twice, perhaps a third time but then it might get hold, so I decided to go back to subtle humor, I'll still appear from time to time to do weird ass shit, but you will get far less segments in which I talk directly to the player, I get that it breaks the immersion.

It's the same for Project:Jericho the humor is kept in it's wacky stronky style, but without any ACTUAL cut from the story.

If I can keep up my workflow even for a bit I'll get 0.11 out very soon, followed by Project Jericho a month or so after, I thank you once again for your feedback, it isn't an inch upsetting, feedback especially when constructed as such is HIGHLY valuable, take care and thank you once again.