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Studio A.Z.H.Y.A.

A member registered Jul 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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The game was colorful yet simple to understand. It didn't follow the theme though, which is disappointing since it's a well-developed game. The gameplay of this game was too simple for me though (with it being just an basic endless runner). But overall it's a cool game. 

Great is definitely has its own charm. Graphics and colors were very polished. Controls were simple to understand. Just wished my aim didn't suck lol

Very clever game (does that mean that I've earned the elusive golden leaf?)...jk. Overall it's good. I loved the error message enemies. The platforms on level 6 are way too spaced out for anyone to complete it. I would suggest probably redesigning that level or add a major jump boost for fun.

Great game with a lot of potential. Just wished the jumping mechanics were better. I keep getting stuck to a platform after I manage to jump. Double jumping was even harder to do.

Love the design of this game. Just wished that I didn't get stuck to a platform every mid-jump.

Hey man, 

Pros:  It was a cool little game.  Enjoyed the screen shake when I'm shooting (but it gradually increases to the point where you cannot see clearly in the game).  The controls for the keyboard and mouse were easy to understand. Plus I just love the idea of mass destruction with the mini tank!

Cons: However, I don't fully understand as to how you used the theme in this case. I wished there was a way to see how many hits it takes before I died by looking at a health bar or percentage or how many enemies are on each level. The resolutions for the game also made it clipped off on the start menu when you play from the browser.

Overall awesome experience! I loved it!

Thanks man! We were trying to be WOWIE about our take on the theme! Your feedback is appreciated.

Thanks for the feedback man! I've added the controls to the description box of the game page. We appreciate your review of the game and will take those words into account in future updates! 

Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback @ggenije...we ran out of time on the tutorial.

Thanks man, we appreciate it! We especially love your rogue approach to playing the game :) 

My bad on the tutorial man. It was rushed, but we're glad that your enjoyed the rest of the game. Your feedback is appreciated!

Thanks man! We will take that feedback in mind for the updates after the voting period of the jam is over.

Thanks dude! The team had so much fun doing this project, and we learned from it too.

Thanks man! We had fun making it!

Thanks for the feedback @waterlemon! Yeeeah, we ran out of time to fix the tutorial the way we wanted it, but I do appreciate your take on the UI.

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream Friday night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: The art on your gun and monsters are fantastic. The only disappointment is in the loss of potential that you could have done to the body lining had you chose a different color palette from yellow and purple.

Animations and Controls: The gun projectile effects are very nicely done. You also did a good job with the animations for the enemies. The controls were very simple to understand and use.

Sounds and Music: The sounds for the gun are spot on. I cannot say the same, though, for the background music. If you're going to loop a short music clip, I suggest you make the music loop is long enough and syncs fluently behind itself.

Overall gameplay: Although you explain the intended story behind this game, the dying aspect in this game didn't work into the theme for this week. If the antibiotic is being tested to its strength, then the gameplay should have explored that idea in some way (for example: allow players to gain bullet strength or have a spread shot after killing  x amount of enemies).

Hope this review helps you grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream Friday night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: I am a big fan of pixel art so no complaints there. The dust particle colors, however, may need to be a slightly whiter shade of the player to help distinguish where exactly the player's feet are on the platform.

Animations and Controls: Animations are very well-done, and the controls are very simple for anyone to pick up.

Sounds and Music: Overall, the music and sounds effect were perfect for the game.

Overall gameplay: Overall gameplay was fun but challenging. I had a blast the entire time as I navigated the puzzle. I would definitely recommend that you expand on this game for a bigger project in the future.

Hope this review helps you grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream Friday night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Everything looks very vivid and precise. Colors look great.

Animations and Controls: The particle effects were very crisp. However, my biggest issue was with the controls. The camera control with the mouse is only a good idea if the movement of the player is also controlled with the mouse. The separated controls only make it very difficult for players to see where they are going. I strongly suggest that you make the camera fixed to one point on screen or (if you still want the follow effect) just have the camera attached to the player in some way.

Sounds and Music: The sounds are very well done.

Overall gameplay: The way you worked the game into the theme is very well done. However, I think you may need to balance out the dash vs. jump upgrades a little better. After 2 jump upgrades, I jumps over 10,000 into the air;  after 2 dash upgrades, I am still unable to clear a 100-foot gap between platforms. Other than that and the controls, the game is a well-done speedrunner.

Hope this review helps your team grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream last night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Not too flashy. I can deal with this.

Animations and Controls: Animations were good. The controls were good. The game physics is where I had a problem: the player and the zombies seem to be at the same speed, so it made it almost impossible for me to check my stats unless I was at the starting point area.

Sounds and Music: The sounds are very well done.

Overall gameplay: Besides holding down the directional buttons for dear life, this game fits within the theme very well by its coin collecting for a chance at a weapon upgrade.

Hope this review helps your team grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream last night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: It was ok. I could tell what something was suppose to be by looking at it.

Animations and Controls: Animations were good. Controls and game physics were frustrating (but that's the point of a rage platformer).

Sounds and Music: The sound is good. Fits the overall feel of the game.

Overall gameplay: The only thing that you misses on is the fact that games need a balance learning curve for the players in order to understand the point of raging. I think if you made a tutorial level that eased the player into the game mechanics before you threw us into the pits of this rage platformer, then I will be okay with raging through this game.

Hope this review helps you grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream last night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Everything was drawn great. But the almost-one tone color of everything is red, so all those details are lost because of that. I would definitely suggest that you choose different color for the walls to stand out better.

Animations and Controls: Controls were very simple, which is I love. However, the animations need some revision. If the player starts in idle, then it should be a still frame instead of a mid-stride frame. The pickup UI looks neat though.

Sounds and Music: The sounds are awesome, guys! No complaints there.

Overall gameplay: The base concept for the game works for the theme. However, the level design is formatted for like a mobile game instead of a web browser game. Overall, once you guys find a great balance curve for the game, this will be a very good game.

Hope this review helps your team grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream last night (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Ok, nothing too flashy.

Animations and Controls: Animations were good. The controls were okay but could be better if you stuck with a different keyboard button for the sword attack (like space bar for example). Having two different inputs sometimes makes it difficult for people on laptops vs. people on desktops.

Sounds and Music: The sound is very good and worked well with the level design. I was very relaxed while swinging my sword at the artifacts.

Overall gameplay: This game was very creative. Works well with the theme. Just wished that I had a sharper sword and wasn't ganged up on immediately after respawning. Otherwise, I had fun playing this.

Hope this review helps your team grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream tonight (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Executed very well. I could easily what everything was during gameplay.

Animations and Controls: Very easy to understand.

Sounds and Music: The sound is very off-putting. Sounds like a gross object, but I think it could be on playing if the player is actually moving instead of playing a background loop.

Overall gameplay: The UI feels very clunky. Like the double health bars are very unnecessary and confusing. I understand that as the player moves it loses energy. However, the all-cells energy could be a life counter instead on the percentage counter. Also, the theme wasn't well executed. A change would like: the life count could decrease with each failed attempt, and the new cell have a new mutation with each re-spawn.

Hope this review helps you grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream tonight (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Very simple. I love the pixel art dummy!

Animations and Controls: Controls were simple to understand. But the game physics wasn't well executed. I exploited the fact that the dummy can phase through the walls to finish the game without using the keys.

Overall gameplay: This is a great first solo game. Keep expanding on your knowledge and you'll be great before you know it. The story behind your game is telling of what type of game developer you can (a future great :) ).

Sounds and Music: I honestly startled me at first, but it's still good. Just might want to bring it down a notch.

Hope this review helps you grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream tonight (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Executed very well. Reminds me of Cat Mario.

Animations and Controls: Very user-friendly (which I love).

Overall gameplay: Your team did a very good job with this theme. You made sure with each level design that the dying has a purpose but also a strategy. I enjoyed playing this game.

Sounds and Music: Very well done. Honestly, I can tell that the sound effects were done with love and care. 

Hope this review helps your team grow!

Hey man, I did my full 10-minute review during my Twitch Stream tonight (, but I'm going to summarize what I said during my review:

Art: Executed very well. I could easily what everything was during gameplay.

Animations and Controls: Very simple and on-point. Could move with ease.

Overall gameplay: This is my only con - the one-button control causes the player to just sit back and watch rather than actually playing. The level design just lacked a bit of a challenge on my part. I just wished you could have incorporated the theme a lit more by adding a reward or upgrade after each player death (for example).

Sounds and Music: Very well done. I was definitely in a industrial setting. 

Hope this review helps your team grow!

How Festive Was It: Very festive...Santa, Christmas music, evil Frosty the Snowman...that's Christmas for ya.

How Easy To Control: Controls were okay before the big guy came in. After his arrival, I guess my walk animations started to stick, causing me to continue walking after throwing a present towards him.

How Well Did It Follow The Limitations: Very good job on staying within the limitations (I personally struggled with that).

How Good Were The Graphics: Good overall. Might have to overhaul the UI at some point because it sometimes was difficult to tell if a present was falling from the sky or if it was just part of the user interface.

Did it Feature Santa: Yes, Santa was the main dude in the game.  Good job keeping the main gameplay focus on Santa's main tasks.

How Festive Was It: Not very festive at all. Snow was a nice touch. But there was no feeling of Christmas in this.

How Easy To Control: very easy

How Well Did It Follow The Limitations: The game is mostly black and plenty of white (not a hint of red or green). But the animations and sounds were spot-on. Can easily tell that the cat is walking through some fresh snow.

How Good Were The Graphics: Excellent! It was the best part of the game.

Did it Feature Santa: No, unfortunately.

Thanks man! I was going for a non-traditional version of Santa since he was going to a party (the robe would have made him hot lol).  I’ll keep your feedback in mind while I finish the full game.

Overall, the punch attack is my favorite. The shooting attack...not so much. Between the energy balls raining down on my head and my crow friends trying to peak my eyeballs, I was spam left clicking the whole time. Nevertheless, I love the concept of this. Maybe additional puzzles here and there can be added to spice up the gameplay.

Cool game! The hit boxes for the cactus were very sensitive during my playthroughs so I didn't get very far. I also agree with @Forgeio...restarting from the very beginning after each death just get very annoying after a while. Overall, I love the concept, especially the sounds and art.

Thanks for the feedback and constant support @whiteRocket! I slightly nerfed the bounce strength in my update that I released this morning. The text size and clippy flippers were also fixed in the new update.