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A member registered Sep 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Oh awesome I'm a big dummy I didn't see a link to it at first glance.  Congrats on building a cool looking game!

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Any plans to package up a desktop version? game looks amazing btw, nice work!

Agh I wish I would have thought of that, trying to get the damn vive wands rotated and positioned right in relationship to my default hand targets has been a real pain.  Nice going!

Dopppeeeeeeeee!  Put me down as Devastatin_Dave in the record books.  Really nice flight mechanics you've got going on here too my only gripe is I'd like a lil more cockpit for a better frame of reference but I don't want to lose the ability to "look down" so it's a tough call on how to address that but I'm sure you will figure it out. 

(2 edits)

it's not very pretty of an orbit but I think those are orbital lines yea?  

Interesting thematic choice, looking good so far! 


Feel free to follow us for updates!  

The go is a fantastic bit of hardware for certain, I personally love the one I was gifted as a part of Oculus Start, but having to sideload apps makes it a little offputting for some people.  We could certainly look at hosting a Go or even general mobile vr specific jam in the future as personally I'd love to try my hand at a mobile project for the Go as well!

Dope! Can't wait to see what you've got!  


This keeps getting better, I knew you had something special ever since I saw the very first spiderman demo you posted.  Keep up the solid work!

Hey ya'll I'm Dave with StudioVR and we're working super hard to finish up our flagship title "UndercoVR", as such we need some quality feedback on various game modules, to start with we're testing our vehicle interaction and mechanics right now via our public test channel:

Please let us know any thoughts or concerns you may have and keep an eye on that space as we're going to be regularly updating with new testing builds for various mechanics as we get closer to our early access launch!  

So want to try to implement this locomotion  in one of my projects, any news on release of the unity package?