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Starbound Avocado

A member registered Mar 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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No plans for android versions so far. I am aware of that weird bug and it will be hopefully solved in the final version.

Good to hear as well :)

Hey thanks for the interest. It is, yes, but my personal time is much shorter lately.
There will be a whole new prestige layer to the game and a nice ending to wrap it all up.

I've been testing this and it seems to be ok. If you run into this again can you send more information?

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Unfortunately this version is incompatible with v0.2.0, so previous saves will be gone.

However, because I don't want to force players to go through the previous stages, you can generate a new save with 10 Meditations. That's the point where new content starts. You can find this in the Settings Menu.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm testing the cost modifier to see what feels better.

Don't worry that will not be the final goal :)

Yeah this a known bug that will be fixed in the later release, since the content so far only goes until 13 points.

Yup that's a bug, since the content is only up to meditation 10, I didn't even think of that possibility.

Hey thanks a lot for all the feedback. Most of what you mentioned will be fixed, except for the mountain size, at least for now, I mean, it's a fictional mountain in a fictional world after all. As for the Idle distinction, that is actually a good point. I might reconsider the name going forward if players think it's misleading. 

The save is a difficult topic, since the game it's still so young, I'm sure I'll have to keep breaking stuff between major updates, but I will always try to keep it compatible where possible.

Autobuy is only as a placeholder right now. It will become available to players later on. Can you give more info on the save? I have no more reports of this.

Tooltips will continue to be worked on as more stuff is added. I'll take a look about this request as well, thank you for the feedback.

Yeah that's a bug that will be fixed in the next release. Since the current content only goes until Meditation 10, I didn't catch that possibility.

Thanks for the feedback! I will definitely consider out of focus progress.

I really enjoyed your second point, I added it to the backlog and see if it will fit for future stuff that I have planned.

No mobile versions planned for now.

Can you send me the error you are getting?

Yes that's a bug! Thanks for reporting, and I'll also update the wording.

No click upgrades are planned so far.

(1 edit)

Yes, it pushes the boulder a little bit, 1 cm to be exact.

And will! But only on the polishing phase of the game, i.e., the very end :D

Great suggestion! I actually don't like the 'Reduce' wording but couldn't think of anything better, so I'm definitely using that!

Yeah the side panels need some work on their art for sure.

Thank you so much for the feedback! Great suggestion, I also added this to the backlog!

Thanks! I'll definitely watch to video see how people are playing this.

Thank you for the feedback! That's a really cool suggestion I added it to the backlog :)