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A member registered Dec 02, 2021

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What is FSM?

Hey thanks. I'll screenshot that for next time I make an enemy. I managed to figure out what was wrong, it was the projectile speed being too slow. I made it faster and it works now. It does damage.

Hey I have 2 problems. One is that when I test out my map the camera spins to the left slowly. It does this the whole time. Secondly when trying to test out my map it usually works the first time but subsequent attempts result in the game loading up in windowed mode (it's set to full screen) and the spinning is way faster. Like too fast to tolerate even for testing it out.

Thanks. The enemy was scaled up a few times so I made a new one that wasn't. The projectile doesn't float up into the air like before but it doesn't do any damage....

It looks and sounds amazing!

It looks awesome!

Hey, I made a projectile for an enemy and when it fires it appears in the air above the enemy and doesn't hit the player character at all. It just hoves in the air then vanishes. Does anyone know what the problem is?