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A member registered Jun 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Чел харош!!! Приятно видеть как земляки следуют своим мечтам и не останавливаются даже в такой ситуации, я желаю тебе удачи и по возможности буду следить за твоей игрой, надеюсь у тебя всё получится!

Z - Confirm\Interact

X - Cancel\Open Menu

In the menu:

  1. First option with letter 'I' stands for inventory(you can look and use items that you have).
  2. Second option with letter 'S' stands for skills(you can look at your character skills, and use ones that can be used out of combat).
  3. Third option with letter 'E' stands for equipment(you can equip weapon, armor and some accessory on any character you have, if they can wear it)
  4. Fourth option with letter 'M' stands for make, or craft if you will(you can craft various stuff that you have recipe for).
  5. Fifth option with letter 'O' stands for options(change volume, controls, etc).
  6. The last option with letter 'Q' stands for quit(for quitting the game, save before doing so).

is there going to be online multiplayer?