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Steph :)

A member registered May 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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this game is absolutely amazing! my favorites are romunlus and sundae so far! I can't wait for the kickstarter :)

woohoo! I'm so happy that my interpretation of the lore was pretty accurate! ^__^  this game is an absolute gem, thank you for making it!

hi! this game is really cool! i love the concept of amongus mixed with dating/romancing princesses LOL however i have a few questions!

what do the 'Cinderella Statistics' mean? and are there any hints on how to find the assassin?

woohoo! I finished the game in over 2 hours and oh my gosh... I was absolutely blown away by how detailed this game is! And the fact that it's free too... you've done an absolutely amazing job!!!!!


the entire i was playing, I was trying to look for symbolism or reasons for what IT is, and after playing through all the endings, here is my take on the game:

the MC is portrayed throughout the game as lonely, riddled with social anxiety, and maybe even depressed. they're insecure and often down in the dumps, things only changing when they hear someone something call out to them, IT.

IT is a mystery. IT says they love us, yet we die over 30 times in different ways linked back to IT. sure, there are some endings where they show 'kindness' to us, such as the dog park ending where IT warns us to leave, and if we don't, we end up dying. but IT is in control of the universe and thus it wasn't the dog who killed us, it was IT.  despite that, IT is also kind as times. in one of the endings, the MC talks to IT about how lonely they feel, and IT comforts them. ofc the MC ends up sleeping next to them forever, but it's one of the more wholesome endings.

i believe that IT symbolizes an abuser, while the MC is the victim. just how MC felt a 'calling' to IT, in real life, abusers will often seek out 'prey' in order to fulfill their sick and twisted fantasies. and once they entrap the MC in a relationship with them, they won't let go. sure, at times they can seem 'cute' or 'innocent-looking' or even 'kind' in order to entice their victim to stay, but it will always end in the victim being harmed one way or another, just like how the MC is in most of the endings. 

when MC finally 'kills' IT, only for IT to come back, i believe it represents how a victim may try to forget about their experiences, go to therapy, etc, but they will always live with the trauma they went through. 

thus, they can either drown in their trauma and misery (just like in the 'join IT ending') alongside their abuser's other victims, or they can fight for a better future where they don't think about what's happened to them all the time. 

hence, in the true ending, MC says that they rarely think about IT or the things they've gone through anymore. and at the end, it's shown that they've even taken in a little black kitten that looks incredibly similar to IT, though not completely the same (scar on its right eye, green eyes). i believe this represents how MC has finally accepted their trauma, and is willing to take risks again and open up to other people (or animals). 

also, when MC questions IT about what they mean by 'daydreaming', i believe that represents either how victims daydream about what they could've done differently to prevent what happened to them, or how some victims, in order to cope with their trauma, reimagine the abuse happening to them again and again. for example, some SA survivors imagine themselves having a relationship with their assaulter in order to feel like they have some control, and if they're in a relationship with this person, then surely what happened to them isn't so bad. 

but of course, this is all my speculation! i'd love to hear the creator's thoughts on my comment and what their actual intentions were, but once again, brilliant job! one of the best games i've played on for sure <3

save the cow, milk the milkman.

Loveddd the twist! MC is definitely a psycho-bitch LOL also the ending omg I literally screamed "Is that Callum's son?!" at the special ending after you complete all the other endings. 

And ohhhhhh I see LMAO dw I'm also a writer myself and honestly the most tedious part is coming up with character names for my ocs! It's a really simple thing but I'm js rlly uncreative so I go to google to find some good names to steal

But of course! Thanks for making this game once again! I adore seemingly crackfic games with a darker twist on it

(2 edits)

broooo I'm touch starved as well but if someone started talking about how they'd murder anyone for me and basically acted full on yandere, I'm booking it out of there. I don't blame the MC for acting like a regular person

I didn't expect to like this game so much but oh my gosh! I ended up loving it because of the unique twist (the MC is actually the bad guy/"yandere"), and I came into this game as a Callum stan but left as a Chase stan LOL well done everyone! Wonderful game! (p.s. didn't expect Adrian to be batshit crazy)

Also I found a typo during Adrian's firefly date! The text box calls him "Anise" instead of Adrian, and I thought I saw wrong for a second. Unless this was actually further foreshadowing for MC only viewing the boys as their spice type, and not as actual humans?

WOWWOWO THIS GAME WAS SO GOOD N CUTE!!!and as a fan of the odyssey and penelope and odysseus's relationship, i really loved this! thank you for the beautiful art and charas and dialogue <3

THE ART LOOKS AMAZING cant wait to play this!

oh my gosh, the demo is simply amazing!!! the art is gorgeous, the story is well-written, I love the stats part of the game....and (mini spoilers)

i love the plot twist for the MC!!! i literally got chills at the end of the demo...anyways, I can't wait for this game to be finished! definitely adding on my to-buy-list once it's all done :D

OMG this game was so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anywaysss

1) Al because Math is personally my worst subject and it was funny seeing it be turned into ur local tsundere guy LOL

2) When the MC smacked their head with the heavy ass study guide Al made for them to get out of doing the math test! It really showed their stupidness but also I love them LMAO

3) HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loved it!!! (except the dad part)

go navy!!!!!!!!!!!11 you can do this!!!! i'll always be supporting you! :D

this looks so cute!!!! can't wait to play it later...ill update you when i finish it! :D

To anyone who is reading this and is unsure of purchasing it or not, do it!!! This game is so astoundingly unique and amazing! There's only two weeks so far but it's packed with content and definitely worth the $5! 

Anyways at the time of writing this I've only finished William and Charlie's Week 2s so far, William yesterday and Charlie today and all I can say is 2 is definitely different and much more intense than Week 1 and I'm all here for it!!! 

(Semi spoilers) 

There's that one scene in Charlie's Week 2 on Friday that shocked I was not expecting him to do that to the MC LOLOL??? it made me confused, flustered, but even more excited for Build B coming out in January (which I can hardly wait for heh) but anyways, I'm glad that I found this game like 2-3 years ago and have supporting it ever since! I'll continue to support it until the final release comes out :D Hope you stay happy and healthy, Navy!

LMAO this game seems right up my alley!! the humor in the descriptions fits mine and i'm super excited to play this. :^D ill give an update once Ive gone through the game

ofc and yess!! i also believe in diluc supremacy :]

omg what a cute game!! :^D

Omg this demo was so well done! I love how realistic the MC was because usually in otome games, the MC is some kind of perfect princess type :^] I also love how we get a cat companion <3 Katie is so cute wosjaioawisja

The art is very beautiful and I found myself going through this game super fast (time does fly when you're having fun) and became disappointed when the demo was already over.

Warden already looks like an interesting character and I bet his route would be fun :] 

Anyways thank you for giving me like 20 minutes worth of entertainment and I'm very excited to see the finished product of this game~!

Hmm, I'm not a big thriller/horror movie fan so I can't think of one with a devil involved, sorry :^( but yw! And ooo, MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, it sorts people into four categories: Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving. You can learn more about it by searching up the 16personalities test! I'm personally an INFP :^)

Ahh, I know the feeling :^( when your body isn't feeling well, you won't be able to get much done no matter how much you force yourself. It's okay, SweetChiel! We completely understand and don't stress yourself out too much for not getting a lot done, all that matters is you did complete some work :] 

Anyways, the backgrounds are beautiful as ever! I hope you feel a lot better soon :]

P.S, here are two questions I have for the boys! (hopefully they haven't been asked yet)

What is your MBTI type? 


Do you want kids? If so, how many?

Hihi, big fan of Cinderella Phenomenon here! I remember being so excited that there was a sequel coming out and now that it's's still a surprise!

Anyways, to cut to the chase, my amazing friend bought me this as a gift on Steam. I was so excited to play it and immediately went to the Waltz Route first but one thing I noticed was that I couldn't see Lucette's portrait at all. Sometimes it would flash faster than a second on screen and then disappear. In addition, Waltz's sprite also didn't show up at all but the supporting character's sprites do. I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my copy or if it's just a bug because it's the same for the other routes.

Please let me know what I can do to fix this, thank you!

Hehe, been waiting for this game ever since June of 2019!! I'm still very excited and I was wondering if you think the game will be finished this year? :^) Anyways, amazing job SweetChiel - working on a VN/Otome game for this long already is very commendable! I'll support you to the end. 


Holy, I can't believe how good this game really is! I've recently just finished the game and just wow. 

Coming into it, I didn't think I really wanted to have a romantic relationship with Cove. But as my character got to know him more and more, I started to like him and eventually chose to pursue a relationship with him. 

My MC started off as a sorta shy and awkward person and then eventually became extroverted and very comfortable around Cove, whose personality and appearance was impacted by the choices I made, was one that I really adored.

Cove and the MC's love for each other was so sweet. I loved every single second of it and I still can't believe this game doesn't cost like 20 dollars at least!

Thank you so much GBPatch for making this! I'll look forward in the sequel for Our Life :)

Downloaded the newest demo to replay the game and I can definitely see the new dialogue and event(s) you've put  in it! :^D I can't believe it's already close to 2021...I remember playing this game in Nov. of 2019 and dreading how long it would take to finish. But the long ride is almost over and I'm very excited to see it finally being released! Keep up the good work, Navypink :]

Ooh, I hope I'm not too late but I like C or F! They're both a good balance of the colors hehe

the art in this game is extremely beautiful! I also love the characters too, but I really want to know if there is a happy ending! I can't find it yet :')

ahhhh this was so good <333 the story was amazing and so chaotic at the same time :^) love your games so much, batensan <3

The MC is very weird (but in a good way of course ;)) Glad to have found this game! Can tell you've put a lot of work into it

Looks amazing so far! Keep up the good work, can't wait to see this project finished.

Yes! Another update :D! 

I've started school again today, and it was quite tiring. However, coming home to this on my feed tab is a warm feeling and immediately destroys all my worries. Thank you for this update <3

- Steph :)

YAY! I'm so happy there's an update, even if it's short. Anyways, I can't wait for the next one. 

With lots of love,

Steph :)

Just wanted to take the time to say that you're amazing for creating a game like this, and I hope you don't overwork yourself or anything! Can't wait for the next update :)

Although I'm waiting for a lot of otome games/visual novels to be finished, yours will always be the main one on my list! Love your hard work and your weekly updates to readers like me :) 

Lots of love,

Steph :)

Hi, it's me again! :) I just come back to this game because I just love William and the other boys so much. By the way, what time period is this game set in? It really feels like a 1990's sorta of environment. 

Anyways, once again, best of luck on this game., and you're doing amazing! I'll probably 99 percent buy it once it comes out in 2021. 

-Steph :)

Ah I'm really happy I tried the demo! It's really interesting so far and I really like it. My personal favorite is William so far :) I'm just excited to see what he'll be like once Dr.Hart makes him completely trust her. I can't wait for the final release of this game!