No. If you don't like it, you can find the door and see yourself out. You went out of your way to come here and complain, we have zero obligation to do anything you ask. The name of the game is in no way subtle, it even says "VORISH castle defense," so you cannot have missed it before complaining. Imagine walking into a pub and whining about how it reeks of ale and beer. Do you see the stupidity and entitlement there? If you don't, then you should get your eyes checked, mate.
Recent community posts
Good, you have eyes. Judging from your previous comments, however, it seems that you have no more brains than the emoji you used.
Perhaps, if you had a brain in that thick skull of yours, you would grasp the concepts of manners and common sense. But, since you don't, I'll spell things out for you.
You go to NSFW games and the players of said games and you complain about everything being NSFW. Frankly, we never asked. The games aren't made to satisfy your tastes, princess. Yet you still click on these games, KNOWING it's not your tastes and not meant for you, and you still complain like a brat.
Indie game developers tend to make games about things they like. Fans of said things may have profile pictures that reflect it, and it may be NSFW. They are free to do that, they are allowed to do as they please.
If you weren't still in diapers, you'd realise it's rude and abrasive to go around to places, in this case NSFW topics, and complain about people liking them when they cater to their tastes.
If you had even a scrap of politeness, you'd realise, "Hey, this isn't really for me," and you'd just silently leave respectfully. But you don't. Well, hey, we're here to enjoy these things, we don't care about your precious princess policies. You found your way in, you can just as easily find your way out. Have a lovely day.