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A member registered Feb 15, 2022

Recent community posts

OMG! I didn't even remember what i wrote to you, i'm sorry...

Anyway i'm glad that you're come back. Your "Farewell" was the most scariest thing i've seen.

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*incoherent speech*

но я очень рад, что ты жива

God, please no.

Just don't give up. I really hope you get better. My biggest dream is for you to get better.

I'm glad You're back :3

Wish You the best, come back soon.

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Yes, there's a bit of a misunderstanding ;)

Thanks for the explanation :)

Yes, this is a translation made by Lipstor :)

Unfortunately, I do not have enough free time, but if possible, I will try to make translations as soon as possible.

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Попробуй тут: 

Ну или да, Тором скачать по ссылкам выше.


Oh, ok.. Thank You.

After seeing this i started to try to pick up other NPCs and was able to steal Mushroom Cat :3

Update, yay :)

Little question - what means "basic stat of items"?

Mushroom dog will help you ;)


I have a suggestion - ignore suggestions ;)

I understand that You are too kind to just ignore other's ideas, but they're only distract You from development of YOUR OWN game. Please follow Your ides and concepts. Ask suggestions only if necessary. Otherwise game will never be able to release.


I beg you let Mofu did what He planned to do. Report bugs is OK, but let's stop to forcing ours own visions of this game.

This is my humble opinion only, hope that i'm didn't offend anyone.

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Но она всё же развивается. Пусть не быстро, но Mofu деалет всё один, в меру своих сил и возможностей. Я считаю, что не стоит его торопить. Гораздо важнее, чтобы на выходе получилось качественно, а, зачастую, скорость может на это плохо повлиять.

Лучшее оружие воина - терпение (с) ;)

AFAIK, there will be that opportunity.

Same, so i'm not even tried to participate in this "event" ;)

I think i can only imagine this..

But it's all gone for now. Rest as much as you can and recover health :)

Phew.. You scared me ;) Welcome back! <3

Maybe he means not specifically "rape", maybe it will be kinda "rough sex"?

Good luck, get well. I hope all will be fine, come back soon :)

Выпадает с неё же :)

Mofu is a single developer, i think he will release it when he able to. So... be patience ;)

Maybe in the future we will be able to craft something, like poisons for weapons? ;) It is not a suggestion just my thoughts.

There are throwing knife, spear and axe. Cathera selling some of them.

Thank you for update! Hotkeys for weapons is very useful :)

Little question - soil will contain only truffles or sometimes rare loot?

I'm glad you're back. I hope you get well and wish you only the best.


Есть же поговорка - "хорошего человека должно быть много" ;) (Кстати интересно, какая она будет по характеру).

Рискну предположить, что такая настройка будет весьма трудозатратна. Ну и да, это же неигровой персонаж - он самодостаточный и, как я думаю, задуман именно таким, какой он сейчас. На мой взгляд можно чуть-чуть убавить, но это абсолютно не критично и, если она останется в текущем виде, лично я буду совсем не против - она всё равно очень милая :)

Да и все остальные персонажи, если честно, тоже супер :)

That's true, art style is amazing <3

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Will try :)

And yeah, poor little rabbit doesn't like bows ;)

Some thoughts about achievements - maybe some interaction? With Catera - buying, selling, identify. Kinda "make a deal" :) Teala - use her ability to teleport. And Rabbit.. well.. you know ;)

Momo's achievement is bullet-hell, but it's ok, i think - just act like Neo xD Or maybe Mofu create some items/abilities to help with this achievement ;)

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Yay! :3

Puppet, huh... It becomes even more interesting ;)

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I'm glad to see so frequent updates, big thanks for your work!

Seems like Gnu will be a tough one - can't wait to meet her ;)

And i'm so exited about that new mysterious girl <3 Looks creepy, what's her name? :3


Some days ago i noticed that Remy reacts when Nene dancing (yeah, yeah - i'm slowpoke xD). Then i thought about interactions with other NPCs and i would like to suggest "fap with Rabbit" - she's already have animations of it :) I've made picture as concept (i have only msPaint T_T):

I'm sorry if this idea is stupid or it's hard to realize. Anyway i really love this game and looking forward for new content! :)

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Gnu? She's waiting for further updates ;)

Hmm... I can imagine shroom with underwater breath ability ;)

Всё так, как ответил Голем :) Заметил ещё пару очепяток, но это не смертельно ;) В целом перевод хороший, спасибо!

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You can get them from walking mushrooms.

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Забавно, тоже переводил буквально на днях (с англ. версии) =) Не рискнул предложить разработчику, потому как совсем в этом не профессионал... Будет очень интерсно ознакомиться с Вашей версией, если добавят ;)