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A member registered Mar 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi Dmented,

thanks for your feedback!

We changed the torch dynamic, but we didn't had the time to update the instructions, we might rethink it a bit in the next update.

Hi Botaemic,

thanks for your nice comments!

About the light we decided to keep the light always on because we have a "cone of visibility" that spawns all the props and it would look weird without the light, pressing Q makes the cone of light bigger to reach further away and it drains energy overtime, but we couldn't update the game instructions in time.

Hey Sean,

Thanks for your feedback!  I suppose we have to rethink the light dinamic a little bit better because as you said the torch isn't really useful.

Hi Pouyan Shekari-Kiani,

We decided to keep the light always on because we have a "cone of visibility" that spawns all the props and it would look weird without the light, pressing Q makes the cone of light bigger to reach further away and it drains energy overtime, but we couldn't update the game instructions in time.

Thanks for the feedback about the lights, we absolutely need to change colliders!!

If you want you can try the game again with a lot of bugfixes :)

Hey Munsa, thanks for your comment!

You are right about the controls, we need to improve them, do you have any suggestions?