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A member registered 65 days ago

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(5 edits)

I saw that someone else mentioned the stuck at percentage when loading any map, I reverted from D3D_12 back to D3D_11, I did this because I cant seems to revert my drivers back, ive tried a few ways and its always grayed out.

So the maps will load. But I am having an issue with this map, and only this map, I know the shader cashe buildup and all but even after 10 minutes I still get a constant studder. My fps is fine, limited to 60fps. Its just a constant like .5 second studder every 2 seconds. Im at a loss of what I can do.  I have a 4060, 32gb of ram, I7-11700f...  just confused, somethings off. Probably on my end in a setting but idk. This is a gorgeous map and id love to play it, but its unplayable for me, again its probably something on my end.