Looking good so far! Some bugs I've notices though are the penis hardness glitching out and just going back and forth when not near anything, and you can press E from anywhere and enter the animation.
Recent community posts
Wondering if you have any plans for male content in the future, and if not, alternatively if you would have modding options or ways to add our own content to the game. I love this game and can't wait for each update, but I think it would make it even better to have mods and add-ins that can be shared with others. Thanks for making such a great game!
This is a really cool game! I love incremental games, but this one is quite unique. I love the mix of story elements with survival/town building and resource management. The depth of the game seems great from what little i've played so far too. (I also love that you can get more than max resources, just slowing down production that'ss a great feature.). All in all I can't wait to see more of what this can become ^^