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Summer Light Studios

A member registered Jul 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow... this hurt...

Incredibly done!! The simplicity of the art, the music choices, and the whole story itself were such a perfect combo - it's hard to believe you made this in only 36 hours! That's some real talent right there!

My heart!! I love the simplicity of the sprites - it makes it clear that the narrative is the driving force and the main focus, and makes the story that much more interesting!

The art in this is so beautiful! And I love that the narrative was straightforward and to the point, as if it's leaving no room for speculation or theorising - you really are doomed by the narrative, no two ways about it. Really well done!

Ah, sorry about that! 'Echoes of Eternity' unfortunately isn't available on Android - not really sure why it said it was, but we fixed that! This game is only available on PC and Mac devices currently.

Thank you so much! Full kudos to our talented crew! We're glad you enjoyed it!

You're too kind! We're so glad you enjoyed it - our talented team really hit it out of the park with this one!