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A member registered Aug 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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I've been having a big life change so I haven't been drawing or active on any socials. But I promise I'll be making a new update real soon!

Ah, then by chance do you have the right game version?  You should have the file ver. 1.5 all older versions were buggy or broken. 

Not every date gives you lust and not every date gives you love. Alanis route is playable in the current version. Check to see if you have the right version or if you went to every date up till day 4 ! A YouTuber played the game and was able to do it if you want to follow along with what she did!

Files will be automatically updated Steam and here! 

It's not a bug you just need to find the correct options c: 

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hm lose at the end after day 4?   also yes to the succubus question 

Not yet! We will add it in a future update! 

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yes :)

It's here! The playable bug-free version! :' D

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Yes! >w< We are currently working on another r18 VN but it will be much smaller in comparison to this one. And we are doing a webcomic! 

Nothing's released yet but I hope you would like more Yuri xD

XD I could never abandon this baby. Though I should advise that this current version is pretty buggy. On March 7th I'll be releasing the non buggy ver :3 

True! thank you I'll do that. It's pretty much almost all fixed I just keep playing and building it to make sure its fixed 

Regarding the Nyarai cg it's an old one! I didn't remake it but I'm thinking maybe I should redo the intro cg's? Would you guys like that? :0

Ah yes I did tackle those issues already! 

People mentioned that Eva's color tag was hard to see so I did change it darker orange and I changed the gui entirely. 

As for the missing bg's it was a lot of typos in the code, but I fixed those parts as well! 

As for Alani I fixed it so she's no longer naked XD apparently when I would call her sprite sometimes I forgot to enter the outfit she was wearing which also made her expressions not show either. I fixed that as well!

Regarding what bugs are left I'm struggling with the CG gallery a lot. I thought it was fixed but some images just won't show??? I didn't make the code for it I had a programmer a while back who made it and showed me how it's done but some tags won't work. Does anyone know a solution to this? 

And another issue I see a lot are the transitions from the map to the route. Specifically Nyarai Day3. So I'm figuring that out as well! I can upload what I've fixed so far which is much more playable than before. But there will still be bugs... It's up to you guys tho! 

that’s awesome :,) I’m glad you were still able to enjoy it!! 

Thank you for your patience! I promise I'm working as hard as I can!

Ah yes I caught that a while back and I fixed it. The next ver. will be completely bug free for sure thanks for your patience!

Ahaha typos in the code (that’s my bad) and I think awkward image statements I’m about done catching them all! My real life has been busy but once I’m done I’ll update a final no bugs version! 

sorry forgot to make an update here but I updated on the Patreon and Kickstarter ! I’ll copy n paste: 

OHW bugs stillllll working on. Again I'm no programmer :"D so I'm working unbearably slow. (why do u think this game took so long to finish?) I swear tho it's like 99% done. I'm just fixing the ending for Cho. So, the player has the option to choose to marry cho or get 1mil for the soul in the beginning. Unforunately, the flags used for both got reversed at some point in the code (which was super super bad in terms of story) and I'm finding them all and fixing it. ALSO if you don't go by that flags it also breaks the game which was why Cho's route was kapoosh BUT that was an easy fix because all I had to do was just "if not $cho_marry blah blah and that worked! But I really believe that's the last of the bugs I swear. I'm excited for u guys to properly play to the endings (I know some got to Nyarai and Alani? ) but Eva's ending and Cho's are really really touching too and I hope u like it ;;; 

Again thanks for being so patient

love u 


definitely a bug lmao I saw it a couple of days ago and fixed it tho. Will be posting the newer build soon

Thanks so much! I’ll make sure to fix that bug If I haven’t already! Again thanks for catching them ;w;

Nah. We always wanted a female main since it’s yuri lol. Not to say we may do future games to have that choice!

we ran out of budget for voice actors so it will be added later as an update. 

Hope you like it! Thanks for your patience! :)

We’ve gotten some feedback on the bugs. We’re fixing them as we go. I think some of the assets were misspelled in code which threw the game off. Next Friday we will update the build. Thank you! 

LOL no it's not. That's interesting since all the assets are in the game. Might've been misspelled in the code I'll check it through. Thanks so much I'll fix it right away!

ah I see that’s really weird. I’ll fix it right away! 

yes the final game I aim to release on steam as well as here :) 

Thank you! And there will be mature scenes, however not exactly “animated”. Maybe we can do that after we finish the final game ? 

Yes! We plan to release the final game on steam. For now, all demos will be released here on itchio

I saw ! Idk what happened... since I had it uploaded? But either way I uploaded a newer version! And there’s the windows ver c: 

EEP! I’m so sorry I just saw this! But I just released an update! Hopefully this makes up for the long silence ! ;;;

Updates have been slow but please be patient ;w; I'll be posting a HUGE update on the 23rd. So just wait a little bit more. 

It hasss. It totally blows but I've got a HUGE update coming soon. Just be a patient for a little while longer. Thanks so much <3

Thank you! :D And don't worry... SOON!!!

Haha thank you and we are releasing the full game on September 7th !

Yep! We made the update on the first XD. Release date is Sept 7 !

Haha yeah ! There’s a reason for it ! There won’t be updates this month or the next. So in May we will make an update and let everyone know about the status of the game and give an actual release date :3 so look out for it in May! 


LOL! ikrsorrynotsorry. Thank you! Glad you liked it <3

Due to the success of our kickstarter we are currently working on the full game. Any demo updates will come much later. Updates are currently limited as we are working on script and code. Once we have more artwork and music we will have more to show! Promiseeee! <3