A cute and beautiful game, I enjoyed playing it :) The action/item selection felt a bit unusual at first but I quickly go used to it. The story and ambiance feels simple and complex at the same time, I like that there is some unexplained weirdness to the world. But most of all the overall good feel to the whole experience.
A member registered Dec 12, 2022
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A nice game, well-rounded despite it's short length (not short in relation to the jam's short length, though). The art is beautiful, the music supports the intrigue and mysterious atmosphere. I could get a good sense of the characters in just a few lines of dialogue, for which there are multiple paths with some meaningful choices to think about for streamlined progression. The game has great potential for integrating player decisions in the narrative, even though the overarching structure currently is more linear, but with multiple endings -- this was undoubtedly a time contraint and not one of creativity on the team's part. I'd look forward to a couple more hours of this if it would (or will) exist.